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The Celestial Qilin was scared shitless finding his energy and life getting sucked out of him. It didn't matter how much it tried to move but it found itself locked by a devilish energy, sealing him.

"Last chance. Either surrender to live or be stubborn and die." Jason spoke evilly, increasing the pressure on the beast further.

The Celestial Qilin finally couldn't take it anymore and surrendered. "Fine fine... I surrender. I don't want to die."

Jason nodded his head and his energy sank into the sea of consciousness of the giant beast, leaving an imprint inside.

"Good! From now on you're one of my people." Jason spoke excitedly. Walking over to the chains, Jason grabbed the chains and pulled them down, setting the caged beast free.

The chains were specially designed to restrict the demon beasts. They continuously suck the power out of it, slowly weakening it.

Jason threw the chains into his inventory before turning to the Celestial Qilin.

"I'm going upstairs to explore. You can stay here and recuperate in the meantime."

The Celestial Qilin nodded its head and closed its eyes to rest while Jason made his way upstairs.

The fourth floor of the Black Infernal Tower was not much different from the first two just the flames were far stronger.

Looking around for a minute, Jason made his way upwards to the fifth floor. On this floor, the flames burning around were reddish black in color, their intensity very strong.

Just when he was supposed to move to the next floor, he paused his steps. Feeling something moving inside, he summoned out an egg.

The egg was about a third of the size of a millstone, scarlet, and gold in color, with many mysterious inscription patterns on it.

Jason had found it in the treasury of the City Lord's mansion and via the LoHP, he had learned that it belonged to one of the three greatest and strongest Sacred Beasts, The Primordial Immortal Phoenix.

What shocked Jason was that such a divine beast should not exist in such a weak world so just where did it come from?

The only beast above the species of Phoenix and Qilin was a Dragon, the strongest Divine Beast...

The egg was filled with cracks and seemed like it held a type of deep energy that sucked people in.

Jason could sense that this egg concealed a frightening and powerful creature. An unknown and mysterious ripple of energy gradually spread out. A deep sense of bloodlust and killing intent was blasted toward his soul, sending shivers.

Jason was the King of Assassins carrying the killing intent of killing over a thousand people. So, to say there were only a handful of existence that could scare him. Not even the Celestial Qilin brought any fear to him and yet the creature yet to arrive in the world was able to scare him.

Jason was aware that the aura didn't belong to the newborn but it was merely the power concealed in this creature's bloodline. Its ancestors experienced countless bloodbaths and the killing aura had been passed down to this one.

The eggshell cracked and the terrifying ripples of energy settled down. A round golden-yellow head popped out. Immediately after, a ball-like object with sticky liquid all over its body fell out with a little splat.

Jason fixed his gaze on the creature.

This thing that fell on the ground, and stood up trembling, had a golden yellow body and was big-bellied, with a small pair of wings that were growing from its back. When it walked, its body waddled left and right like a duck. It opened its big eyes wide.

"Coo, coo." The creature waddled to Jason's side, swinging left and right, then nuzzled its round head on his leg. One round eye looked innocently up at him.

Looking at such an innocent expression, after a long time a genuine smile crossed Jason's face.

"Coo, coo," The little guy cried out to Nie Li in a childish voice, attracting his attention.

Jason smiled and continued to pat its head. The little guy seemed to like it.

When Jason tried to feel the link between them, he could clearly feel a strong link between him and the small fellow.

Suddenly the stomach of that little guy rumbled. It turned around its attention and seemed to search for something to eat. Suddenly, it reacted to something, opened its mouth, and began inhaling.

The black flames on the fifth floor were swiftly gathered into a huge vortex.

The little guy's stomach was originally flat. As it inhaled the black flames from the seventh floor, that stomach began to inflate. A short while later, the black flames on the fifth floor had been extinguished. Once the task was done, the little guy had turned into a round ball. It patted its stomach with its short wings and gave a satisfied burp as a pleasing look filled its face.

Jason was left stunned by it.

Those were the black flames of the Black Infernal Tower's fifth floor! They were all absorbed by that little guy!

Jason felt his scalp tingling, worried about how to feed the little guy in the future. 'This little guy was simply too frightening!'

The little guy cooed as it rolled to Jason's feet and nuzzled his leg, appearing very obedient.

At the same time, on the ninth floor of the Nine-Layered Deathlands

The seven experts looked at each other in shock.

"Just what kind of demon beast is that little guy? To have such powerful strength! It actually absorbed all of the black flames from the fifth floor of the Black Infernal Tower!" The deep shock was reflected on Tian Hun's face.

The Nether Master slightly frowned and said, "None of us have ever seen this creature before. I'm afraid that it's not a demon beast, but a spiritual beast!"

"A spiritual beast? The ancient bloodline?" Ling Yun and the rest were all stunned. However, now that they thought about it, only spiritual beasts would have such strength.

"A spiritual beast should recognize its master upon hatching and have mutual connections with him. Establishing a secure and unwavering soul connection to its master. This youngster's luck is indeed excellent to have hatched a spiritual beast. Even old guys like us couldn't get our hands on a low-grade spiritual beast!" Tian Hun said in envy.

Even in the Draconic Ruins Realm, spiritual beasts were very rare.

"From now on, I'll call you Jindan." Jason couldn't help laughing. Right now, this little guy was so round that it didn't look any different from an egg. Furthermore, its body was golden-yellow, so this name was most fitting.

The sixth floor of the Black Infernal Tower

The moment Jason stepped onto the sixth floor, his surroundings suddenly turned into a boundless space.

Feeling the countless powerful auras concealing themselves and countless pairs of eyes staring at him, Jason sighed.

"Forgive me! But I'm in a hurry. Heaven Devouring Domain!" Spreading his hand out, he spoke as his shadow spread out and covered the entire endless floor into an endless darkness.

The creatures hiding on the floor instantly felt scared and wanted to move but it's a shame that they were late to make a move as they all got swallowed by the darkness.

Clearing the entire sixth floor instantly, Jason proceeded to the seventh floor unhindered.

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