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City Lord's Mansion's hall

Jason was getting bored waiting for Ye Zong and others to show up. Yu Yan and Duan Jian were standing at the side, looking around in curiosity.

"Nie Li! You're back!"

"Nie Li!"

At this moment, Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er hurriedly walked in and the moment they saw Jason, jumped into his arms.

"Hehe... I kept my promise to you guys and came back. Happy now?" Caressing their backs, Jason spoke with a smile, watching the girls so excited for his return.

"Yup! We're very happy."

"If you haven't returned then we'll have gone out to search for you."

The girls were excited and could be seen from their body movements as they each gave a kiss on his lips.

Yu Yan looked at it in shock with her mouth agape. She couldn't believe that two girls just kissed her man out of nowhere and yet feeling angry or hurt, she didn't find anything wrong with that.

Yu Yan could even feel a strong connection with both Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er as if those two were not strangers but important family members, making her feel very confused.

Jason after giving a kiss to both of the girls, looked at Yu Yan and Duan Jian. Following his line of sight the girls realized that there were other people beside Jason in the hall.

They didn't feel anything when they saw Duan Jian but when their gazes landed on Yu Yan, they also felt a weird connection with her, like they had known each other for a long time.

"Umm... it seems you have found one more sister for us?" Xiao Ning'er chuckled, asking teasingly.

Jason playfully landed a slap on their butts, asking. "Why? You don't like it?"

Pouting, the duo said together. "Just because you find one more, don't forget about us, okay?"

"Hehe... I'll not." Patting their heads, Jason introduced them. "You both meet Yu Yan. She is the Fire Spiritual Goddess of our human tribe. And this young man's name is Duan Jian."

Through the girls' behavior around Jason, Duan Jian gathered that their relationship was very close so he respectfully greeted them. "I'm the servant of Master Nie Li!"

The girls were surprised, looking at Jason.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jason found their gazes very odd, asking.

The girls looked at each other and giggled.

Ye Ziyun spoke, "Well, I never thought you would get a man as your servant one day."

"Yeah. I also thought that you'd only accept women." Xiao Ning'er added up.

"Hey, that's not true. You naughty girls, just what is going on in your heads all the time." Jason raised his hand to hit them on their forehead.

"Big Sis, save us~" The girls jumped to the side avoiding it, and hid behind Yu Yan.

Yu Yan also didn't find it any weird and smiled. "Alright, alright, all of you. Stop messing around."

It felt so natural to her that she was doing it for all her life.

Jason and Yu Yan chatted with the girls as they all talked about Jason's experience in the outside world which aroused both Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er's curiosities, especially Ye Ziyun who wanted to travel around the outside world.

The girls showed rich expressions while listening to him explain his adventures in the Nether Realm, Hell Realm, Abyss Prison realm, and other subsidiary realms.

At this moment, Ye Mo, Ye Zong, and Ye Xiu entered the hall.

The trio had rushed over as quickly as possible and yet they were still defeated by two young girls.

"Nie Li, you brat! You're finally back." Ye Zong's excitement could be seen clearly from his expression.

"Yep, Uncle Ye. Just came back." Jason greeted him. Since he had already accepted Ye Ziyun, treating her father with previous behavior felt a little rude.

"And this must be Grandpa Ye Mo. Greetings!" Jason's senses were much sharper than anyone, already recognizing the old man standing beside Ye Zong and greeting him.

"Little guy, you know me?" Ye Mo asked with a chuckle, raising his eyebrow at him.

It was not a question but a hint.

Jason realizing his hidden meaning, shrugged his shoulder and said. "Hehe... last time, I didn't come to greet you because of an urgent matter on hand so I arranged a few friends to take care of you. I hope Grandpa Ye Mo would be pleased."

"Hahaha... so, it's you!" Ye Mo laughed, patting Jason's shoulder. "I'd a very pleasant time because of you in the Nether realm."

Jason nodded his head and passed an interspatial ring to the old man. "Since it's our first official meeting, I can't come empty-handed. I'd just made a trip to the Abyss Prison Realm which can be accessed from the ancient array near the City Lord's Mansion. It is a subsidiary space consisting of many demon beasts inside, as well as thirteen families and they have been there for several thousands of years. Furthermore, there are also two Legend rank experts there as well. I got these thousands of Blood Crystals that have undergone refinement."

Blood Crystals!

Both Ye Xiu and Ye Zong were stunned.

Blood Crystals were absolutely good stuff. With Blood Crystals, It might be able to give a Black Gold rank a better chance to break through into Legend rank!

Ye Mo simply passed his intent into the ring and was left stunned. The ring was filled with thousands of refined Blood Crystals as well as rare ores.

"Haha... you really have a unique style." Ye Mo turned to Ye Zong, speaking with a happy expression. "You should go and tell the Heavenly Marks Family that I want to meet his parents to discuss the wedding day."

"Yes, Father!" Ye Zong immediately respectfully replied.

Ye Ziyun blushed, her face turning beat red. She was feeling embarrassed as her father and grandfather talked about her marriage like that.

Jason said with sincerity, "Grandpa Ye Mo, about the matter of proposing marriage, it naturally has to start on my Heavenly Marks Family's side. After this matter is over, I will have the Patriarch and my father come to you personally."

Hearing Jason's words, Ye Mo smiled and nodded his head, "Good, good, good. As for the betrothal gift, you've already given so many things."

Finally, once the marriage discussion was over, Ye Zong remembered something and asked.

"Oh yeah, Nie Li, you said last time that you'd go look for the Dark Guild and since that day, they hadn't made a move. Do you do something?"

"Ah, that. Yes, you don't have to worry anymore. I had subdued that Demon Lord and the Dark Guild. I even asked them to kill all the traitors hidden inside Glory City before calling back their agents." Jason explained like it was just a little matter.

But it left the old man, Ye Xiu and Ye Zong in a state of shock. They never thought Jason was so strong to even subdue the Dark Guild that had threatened the Glory CIty's existence for so many years.

"That's great!" Ye Mo said excitedly, his white beard trembling in joy.

It was all good news since he arrived, making the old man very happy.

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