Ch - 121

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A huge shoutout to 'Steven Gross' our Eternal God!

Thank you guys for supporting me on this journey and keep doing that.

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At this exact moment, the mysterious man appeared in front of them, causing the duo to jump in shock.

"Sire! What is the meaning of this? If we have offended you in any way, then I apologize to you." Long Tianming nervously spoke, his back drenched in sweat. The arrogant and noble aura was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm Long Tianming of the Dragonseal family from the Divine Feathers Sect..."

"Hahaha... are you trying to scare me with your family name." The mysterious man laughed, seemingly amused. "Long Tianming, ah, Long Tianming, if you knew you'd have a day like this, would you have offended me?"

Saying that he removed his mask, revealing his face.

"N-Nie Li?! You!... How?..." Long Tianming was so shocked that he literally couldn't believe his eyes. He never expected it in his wildest dreams.

Jason chuckled at his reaction. "Surprised, huh? I finally have you at the place where I want you to be."

"Hmph! Don't be so arrogant, Nie Li. So what if you're strong, I'm still the first-in-line successor of the Dragonseal family. If you kill me, you'll offend the entire Dragonseal family." Long Tianming nervously swallowed and threatened him.

"Oh, really?" Smiling mysteriously, Jason raised his eyebrow at Long Tianming. "I thought you'd be a formidable opponent but alas..."

Turning to Long Liu, Jason asked. "Have you finished what I have asked you?"

Long Tianming nearly fainted from shock when he saw his most trusted subordinate Long Liu, kneeling to Jason.

"Yes, Master! As per your orders, I've added the poison to Long Tianming's drinks and food. Also, all the hidden treasures are transferred to Lady Long Yuyin. She would have received them by now."

Jason nodded his head, pleased with his work.

"Long Liu, you..." Long Tianming stared at his trusted aide as if he was looking at a stranger.

Jason smirked. "Long Tianming, don't you find it weird that despite how much damage I do to your subordinates, your senior officers are all completely fine? Hehe..."

Long Tianming's eyes almost bulged out of his sockets, instantly understanding his hidden meaning.

"Hehe... you guessed it. I enslaved your most trusted aides and put an inscription on their bodies that faked their injuries, making you believe that I had crippled them. I did that to lower your vigilance against them and focus your attention on me. In the end, it was your own men which will result in your doom."

Jason smiled resembling a devil in Long Tianming's eyes as the former continued. "You give the poison to Gu Heng so he could poison Gu Yan and in return, you will use him to control the Gu family, right? Now you'll enjoy the same but this poison is a hundred times more dangerous than that. You'll feel your body tearing apart from the inside and losing all your cultivation in the most painful ways."

"You!..." Long Tianming gritted his teeth and glared at Jason.

Jason touched Long Tianming's forehead and he lost consciousness. Glancing at Long Liu, he spoke. "I'll leave him to you."

"Yes, Master." Long Liu bowed and picked Long Tianming, before leaving the array.

Jason looked at their back with an evil glint in his eyes. "Don't worry, I'll not let you die until you pay for your sins."

He then turned around and went deeper into the Thousand Illusion array, making his way toward the Void Illusionary Palace.

The inscription patterns around the palace were child-play to him. It didn't even take a minute for him to enter the first hall filled with chests and traps.

Jason solved the array placed on the floor and collected all the treasures before moving to the next hall. It only took him a few hours to wipe the outer halls completely.

When he reached the inner hall, his eyes landed on the people cultivating there. There were both humans and demons.

They weren't fighting because Heavenly Energy became more and more stagnant in front of that wall.

Their cultivation ranged from the Heavenly Star to the Dao of the Dragon Realm.

For them, cultivating here was much faster than in the outside world.

It's all thanks to the God Tongue Cultivation Technique inscribed on the wall.

By comprehending bits of it, they were able to make huge progress in their cultivation.

Ignoring them, Jason approached the crystal jade wall.

Everyone focused their attention on Jason.

"Someone's trying to break the crystal jade wall!"

"Hahaha! He's so full of himself. It's impossible to break the crystal jade wall!"

"He'll probably go crying home about his failure!"

Countless people had tried to break the inscription patterns before. All of them had ended in failure.

So, of course, they didn't think that Jason could accomplish it.

While he was observing the wall, Jason felt a familiar aura approaching the hall.

Smiling, Jason touched the surface of the crystal jade wall as traces of mysterious light started to spread through the air and the crystal jade exploded with a harsh light that made everyone shield their eyes.

Before anybody could react, Jason's body turned llusory and vanished into the crystal jade wall. He'd disappeared, like a drop of water that had fallen into a lake.

"What happened?"

"He disappeared?"

"He entered the crystal jade wall!"

At the sight of this, all of the experts were inwardly vexed. They'd been comprehending this crystal jade wall for so long, but none of them had ever been able to enter. But someone who'd appeared just a few minutes ago had actually managed to solve the inscription patterns in one go.

Just as Jason disappeared, a pale-faced youth appeared in the hall, looking around curiously.

"Hmm, did I make a mistake?... No, I clearly felt it."

It's the Demon Lord!

The Demon Lord swept an eye over his surroundings and ignored the cultivators as he approached the Spiritual Void Wall. The Demon Lord sat down among the group as surges of a mysterious aura curled around him.

After a minute or two, Demon Lord looked around him in disdain, then said, "I never expected there to be so many people gathered around here. But you guys are stuck at such a low level; it just means that you're not fated for the Ancestral Master Daozang's secret treasure!"

The Demon Lord stood up and approached the crystal jade wall.

Same as Jason, he also entered the crystal jade flawlessly, appearing inside a huge hall, even larger than the previous one.

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