Ch 20 - Unexpected Encounter

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A huge shoutout to 'Steven Gross' our Eternal God!

Thank you guys for supporting me on this journey and keep doing that.

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Beep, beep, beep!

An alarm went off from Foreman Bae's wristwatch. He raised his wrist to confirm the time.

"It's time for lunch."


Everyone dropped their tools and dusted their hands.

While the miners were walking towards the exit in pairs and groups, Jason showed no hint of moving from the spot. Foreman Bae got closer and asked him.

"Mister Nie? Aren't you going, too?"

"I'm fine. I ate my breakfast a bit later than usual."

"Oh? Then you can do as you please."

Foreman Bae ruefully turned around towards the Gate's exit.

Finally, he was left all alone. Both the mining team and the retrieval team had left the dungeon. For about one hour, he was free to do whatever he wanted.

Jason also put down his weapon and pushed his Observation Haki to the max, finding the boss of the gate.

'There you are! Hehe... it's going to be fun to mess up a little, right?'

Walking forward, he moved deeper into the cave, following after the aura of the boss.

A small stroll later, he finally arrived at the entrance of a huge chamber. It was the boss's room. The cavern itself was already pretty huge, but the boss room was even bigger.

'Hehe... so how am I going to do this?... Should I cut it in half or crush that thing into the wall?...'

A soft but excited grin formed on his lips.


While Jason stood there deliberating with a smile on his face, a certain woman's incredibly sharp voice flew at him from behind.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Jason's body jerked up and his shoulders relaxed, a heavy sigh escaped his lips.

'Ah, man! I forget about her weird hobby of patrolling the dungeon during the break. Here goes my game...'

While he was having an internal monologue, the voice owner walked closer.

"I asked you what you were doing."

Jason glanced behind and sure enough it was a beauty clad in red armor, Cha Hae-In.

Cha Hae-In had the habit of patroling the dungeon during the working of Mining and other teams to safeguard their lives in case of boss left its room which was a very case but it could result in all the lives of workers inside the dungeon.

Jason turned around to face her, smiling embarrassingly. "I got lost and ended up here."

"You got lost?!" She was flabbergasted.

Cha Hae-In's gaze scanned the entirety of Jason, up and down.

'A hard hat and a worker's overall..... Is he from our mining team?'

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