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My arm hurt from moving it back and forth from vacuuming the hallway and all the bedrooms upstairs. I was just finished off in the bathroom and was so close to finishing the hallway. I had packed the night before and was now in a pair of loose shorts and a t-shirt with a sweatshirt wrapped around my waist. 

I turned off the vacuum and shoved it back into the little closet filled with cleaning tools. I then went back to the room I always stay in. I looked around at the pictures that I had set up and would add a new one each year to the string of pics. I pulled out a group picture I had with David, Karley, Danny, Carlos and I, along with a picture of Madison and I shopping. I strung them up and then smiled. I heard my mom calling from downstairs saying to was time to load everything up. I grabbed my big suitcase and smaller car bag and took one last look at the room. I shut the door and then headed downstairs to see Carlos already pulling his suitcase out the door. The car only too half and hour to pack and we all had one last lunch before all getting inside the car. Our time at the beach was over for now and the next time I come back, I would be graduated from high school! 

I got in the car and buckled up as Carlos did the same. Ben pulled out of the house as I put my ear buds in silently saying goodbye till next summer...


The car ride was long and when we got home, it was dark and around 1:12. I tiredly got out of the car and pulled out my suitcase from the back as mom picked up sleeping Carlos and started walking inside to put him to bed. I got Carloses suitcase and both of our car bags before following wanting to get to bed as well while Ben brought the last three bags inside. I trudged up the stairs and slide Carlos's suitcase by his door. I then walked down the hall more and opened the door to my room. Nothing changed, but the feeling was still welcoming to be back in my room and my own bed. I through down my bag and slide my suitcase to the wall before crawling into bed, and closing my eyes. I was so tired and could sleep for days. 

I didn't have days to sleep, because at exactly 10 o'clock sharp, Brittney and Miles has stormed into my room and were screaming at me to wake up and giving me hugs. I smiled, still tired and embraced them both. I then sat up as I caught up on what had been happening with Brittney and Miles. Brittney had apparently gone on multiple dates with Max, leaving poor Miles to be by himself, but he did spend three days up at a cottage with his grandparents and younger sister. After talking for about an hour, I climbed out of bed and changed into an oversized t-shirt and jean shorts as we then headed downstairs. 

I heard him before I saw him, as Carlos had the T.V playing super loud with his show on, wanting to catch up since they didn't have the show at the beach house. I hugged him good morning but he was already focused on the show and had apparently already said a big good morning to Brittney and Miles when they arrived. 

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowel pouring cereal into it with milk. I then poured three glasses of juice and gave one to both Brittney and Miles before we headed back to the living room and sat down near Carlos. We talked more about what we did the last 2 weeks and I was happy to mention Madison and what we had been up to, and Brittney was extremely happy to find out how I was willing to change my style. She already set up another shopping trip for later so I could get an outfit for my date with Josh. Miles tried to get Brittney to calm down about the whole thing of met date, but it was no use. She was up and talking about what it could, how to act, what to wear, how I felt, I couldn't follow anything she was saying and ended up just chilling and watching the show with Carlos and Miles. 

After Brittney stopped talking, she decided that we should all go get ice cream. Carlos very eagerly agreed and I went upstairs to grab my purse. I yelled at my mom about heading out and she and Ben waved goodbye. I then slipped on my sandals and went outside to see Miles, Carlos, and Brittney already waiting outside. We then started our walk and headed down the street into town. It was hot but there was a slight breeze making it better. 

We came to the ice cream shop and all ordered before sitting down at one of the picnic tables and started to eat. We were talking when I heard my name being called.

"Katie! Hey!"

I turned and saw Josh walking towards me in beige shorts and a light blue shirt. With Josh was Luke, Emily, Darren, and the blonde girl from the last day of school. I waved and as he stopped at our table, moved over so he could sit, which he gladly did. 

"How was your vacation?"

"It was good! The drive back was long though."

Josh smiled as Luke, Emily, Darren, and blonde girl all came over.

"Josh, Niki wants to go to the mall."

Josh and broke eye contact as he turned to look to Darren who spoke about Niki, who I guess was the unknown blond. 

"Well, how about you go on without me? I can stay with these guys if they don't mind?"

Josh turned back to look at me as I smiled, but before I could say anything, Brittney spoke for me.

"Of course, you can stay!"

I shook my head as Brittney basically screamed out our answer and the blonde, Niki, just looked annoyed. Luke, Darren, Emily and Niki left and Josh turned back and we started talking more about what me all have spent our first weeks of summer so far. Josh had mostly just hung out with his friends and spent some time with his grandparents. After we finished our ice cream, Brittney got a text from Max about some surprise, and excitedly left. The rest of us got up and started back to my house but Carlos wanted to run around on the park on the way back, so Miles gave me a quick wink before taking off and running over to the playground with Carlos. There wasn't really anyone at the park even though it was summer, since it was pretty old and not a lot of little kids were in the same neighbourhood as Carlos and I, so we almost always had it to ourselves. I sat down on one of the benches and Josh sat down beside me. I smiled as I watched Carlos run around with Miles chasing him playing some kind of tag.

"You really love your brother."

I turned my head to see Josh already looking at me and smiling. I blushed and turned the other way back to looking at Carlos and Miles.

"Ya. Our dad passed three years ago and my mom remarried but we never really liked the man, and he wasn't the best father figure for Carlos. I just stepped in and we got super close."

I turned back to Josh to see him still looking at me with a huge smile on his face. I felt myself getting redder but his smile just spread wider.

"I think that that's the best thing you could have done. Has the new man finally fit the father figure or no?"

My smile dropped and I looked down.

"I'm not really to accept a new dad, and I know Carlos isn't ready either. And Ben, our, step father doesn't really know how."

Josh dropped his smile a little but it was still there as we held eye contact and he slowly moved in. I saw his eyes move down to my lips and we moved closer...

Suddenly Carlos came running over and jumped up pushing my shoulder trying to get me to look at him. I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"What's up buddy?"

"Come play tag with Miles and me!"

I nodded and turned back to Josh who seemed a little down but still held a smile. 

"It's fine. I should let you hangout with your brother. It's already late and it's my turn to help with dinner tonight."

I smiled as we stood and Josh left with a quick kiss on my cheek and giving my hand a squeeze before turning and walking off waving to Miles and Carlos as he did. I then walked over and Miles came over.

"Sorry to ruin your moment."

"It's fine Miles. I need to spend time with Carlos anyway and I'm not even sure about Josh yet."

I smiled truly and so did Miles and then we went off to play with Carlos on the playground...

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