I) Unfamiliarly familiar

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Earth 2

Look, I didn't want to be a halfblood, for the longest time I've suffered and suffered so you'd think I was going to get a get out jail free card for the rest of my life once we finished saving the world like a million times, but fate just hates me.

It was a regular day at camp Jupiter, I said hi to Jason, Frank, Leo, basically the entire group and went to search for Annabeth, we'd been dating for a year now and I love her to bits, but to be honest, I felt like we started dating the second we locked lips in that old volcano, hmm, good times.

I saw the familiar blonde and grabbed her waist, "morning wise girl" I said winking, she smiled and said "morning seaweed brain"

We walked around, her hand interlocking mine, she was my other half, she completed me. I couldn't help but smile as her hair blew in the wind like in some commercial, her  grey eyes shimmering in the sunlight, my hand snaked around her waist pulling her closer to me as we walked.

We walked for a while until we were interrupted by an eerily familiar voice, suddenly I was asleep in a hospital.
"Hello sir, how are you feeling?" The nurse asked
"Where am I?" I asked
"Young man, you fainted in the middle of the streets, your at the hospital." She spoke calmly.
"Where's Annabeth?" I asked, concerned
"You arrived alone." She said.

Its ok, she's probably at Chb by now, she always visits the place. I removed the needles from my arms and dashed off before anyone could protest.

I ran past houses and shops, adrenaline filling my veins as I got closer and closer to Annabeth, gods I loved her.

I ran up the hill, past the golden fleece to see Annabeth, at this point I was panting a little but it was worth it, I missed her and I also needed her to tell me how I ended up in the hospital with no memory of fainting.

"Annabeth" I yelled excitedly
"Percy?" She said in a smaller voice

I ran up to her gave her a quick peck on the lips and hugged her, the hug was strange, she seemed uncertain to hug me back, and my head should've easily fit in the crook of her neck but it didn't feel right, but I ignored it and whispered in her ear.
"I missed you Wisegirl" I smiled as I buried my head in her neck.
After a bit, I pulled back to get a good look at her, I expected to see her smiling or grinning but instead she looked confused and a little flustered.

The next thing I realized was that everyone stopped what they were doing the second I got here, I thought it was just my mind making it feel like time froze but I looked around to see everyone gaping at me. What, did I have mud in my hair or something, I checked to see if I had dirt on my face or forgot to wear my pants or something, but no, I was clean and fully clothed.

Annabeth still wouldn't meet my eyes as I tried to ask what was wrong when I saw a boy walking towards where we were, clearly oblivious to the situation, he whistled as he walked. I couldn't see his face yet but then he looked up.

"What the Fuck?!" He practically yelled.

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