II) Puberty Hit, Hard

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Earth 3

"What. The. Fuck?" The boy yelled
He had messy black hair, he was much shorter than me, he had freckles and had a  mischievous look, his voice also reminded me of a rats squeaking, oh yeah, did I mention he had Sea green eyes.

"What's going on?" "Who the Fuck are you?" "Why do you look like me?"
He asked jumbling his words.
"Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fucking Shit. I swear to you gods, I SAVE your ASSES and THIS is how you REPAY me?" I yelled in frustration.

Everyone was staring at us, we looked like twins but I was taller, buffer, less annoying looking, dam I didn't realize how scrawny I looked before compared to now. I'm glad I've upgraded.

"Ok, ok, stay calm. I'm Percy" I said slowly grasping the situation at hand.
"But, but I'm Percy, SHIT Your a monster aren't you? How'd you get past the barrier?"
"Percy, I'm you, from the future, maybe?" I said feeling more and more panicked, how was I gonna get back? Was I ever going to see my Annabeth again? Gods I hate this.

My younger self looked at me,
"How did you get here?" He asked
"I have no idea." I replied "I'm not usually the ones with the brains, you of all people should know"
"Wait, what event is supposed to take place this year?" I asked "Have you been given a quest yet?"
"Ok, hold up" a girl in the crowd said.
"Were supposed to believe Percy looks like this in the future, come on I've seen crazy stuff but this beyond miraculous."
"Drew, nice to know you were always bitchy." I said with a stern voice as she scoffed.
Then I saw Annabeth looking more distraught than ever, shit, I kissed her thinking she was Annabeth, well she was, but my Annabeth, you know? Fuck, does this count as cheating? No, right?

"Shit, Annabeth I'm so sorry, I thought you were, um, from my time, fuck, i-" I said blushing a little.
Her eyes grew wider and she blushed like a tomato to my words.
"What what wha- what what're you sorry for?" He asked while eyeing the two of us.
"I um, uh, shit, how do I explain this, um, I, kissed her?"
I saw another what the Fuck grow on his  face.
I saw people in the crowds, they looked really young. "Percy, how old are you?" I asked the distraught looking boy.
"I'm, 13." He said still confused. "Why how old are you?"
"I'm, 17" I said. Then réalisation dawned in my expression, all those friends that I've lost, I could meet them again. I searched through the crowd and asked younger me, "Percy, where's Grover?" "He's in the forest with a girl, I think her name was Juniper." He said, right, this was the year we got a quest to save grover from a Cyclops. That must've already ended.
"Did you already go on the quest?"
"Uh, yeah, dude, you've got to meet Thalia." He said.

"Hey Thals" I said to the punk looking girl.
"Huh?.. huh?" She said.
"Uh, yeah, I know, I look so good in the future." Percy said and I blushed a little.

Then chiron appeared. Clearly scared, he walked towards the four of us and told us to go to the big house.

Me, Annabeth, Thalia and, well, me, walked to the big house as Chiron muttered something under his breath.

Once we walked in I saw someone I wasn't really too thrilled to see,
"Dionysus" I muttered
"Hey, that Mr. D to you boy" he turned around and saw me, I was taller than him, I think I intimidated him because he called me by my actual name, "Jackson, when'd you grow so much?" He asked while gulping.
"Um hello?" Other Percy said. "Ah, there's the peter I know, what's going on." He said but I could hear the disinterest in his voice.
"Chiron what is going on." I asked the centaur.
"The prophecy, it's coming true already." Chiron replied grimly.

"What?" We said in unison. Of course Mr D couldn't give a flying fuck though because he just shrugged like he's not seeing the two of us.

"Two of one shall walk a path,
destiny shall face it's wrath,
go far north west to the other,
to find your distant brothers,
the friends and foes shall wait their turn,
in the darkest nights the light will burn,
Tear apart from the hiding beast,
Creat a part in the dying feast."
Chiron spoke,
"One shall leave for the others to stay,
one shall heave the portals dismay,
one shall retrieve the gods array,
and one could save them all from display,
meet up with the unexpected,
eat the blade of the unrespected,
fight through the crowds of pain,
light shines through the dying pane."

"I thought it would take longer for this to come true but it looks like it has already started." Chiron explained.
"Yes?" We both said at once.
"How about we call the big guy, Percy and the other Peter?" Dionysus crocked.
"Why am I not Percy, why is he not Peter?" Peter said while huffing .
"Watch your tone, boy, I'll turn you into a dolphin" The god said with an eye roll.

"Let us focus with the matter at hand, Percy, do you know what this prophecy may mean?" Chiron said stopping the argument.
"Uh I think so, we gotta go to camp Jupiter." I said. "But first, I gotta pick up a couple friends."

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