VI) The Talk

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Under normal circumstances, having a conversation would be really cool but up to this point I was getting tired of myself.
"Peter, please shut up! Gods, I don't remember being this annoying."
"Trust me, you were," Annabeth mused.
"Hey, I am not annoying, I'm so Lovable."
"Yeah, my fist loves your face." Thalia grumbled.
And we all just chuckled,
"Percy quit moving, you're disturbing me." Annabeth complained.
"Oh, come on, I don't have space either." Peter snapped back.
"Oh just hurry up and kiss already, you two act like an old married couple." Leo said smugly.
They both turned red and Peter didn't say a thing after that.

I quickly ate the ambrosia that Annabeth always made sure I had on me, even back then. My arms were still burning but they got better after a little.
We were back on the road I didn't really have anything to talk about, so the kids just slept. I stopped after a while because I got an idea, what if I iris messaged dad?
Yeah, I don't think a god has time to chitchat but it couldn't hurt to try.
I dug around my pockets for a gold drachma, luckily, Annabeth gave me a couple every time we met just incase, gods I love her.

I woke the kids up, I grabbed water from a nearby lake and put it in an empty bottle, I poked holes into the bottle and sprayed water into the air, Annabeth said the chants, you know, the classic 'Oh iris, the god of rainbow' chants.
Peter threw the drachma and I said Poseidon.

To all of our surprises, Poseidon actually picked up,
"Percy?" He asked
"Dad." Peter and I said in unison.
"Ah, it's happening already, huh." He said grimly.
"What's happening?" I asked in confusion.
"The prophecy," Dad said, "it's coming true."
"Yeah, but who did this?" I asked.
"I think you already know."
"Fuck, I was hoping I wasn't right."
"Percy, follow your gut, things are different here." He said grimly before hanging up.
"Different?" I wondered, "What does he mean different."
No body knew the answer, but I knew where to find some.
"We have to go search for Luke."
"Luke?" Annabeth said, "Why, Luke doesn't have control over time."
"Yes but Kronos does."

With that, we were back on the road once more, my arms were almost fully healed but I had a burn scar on the left side of my jaw.

After a painstaking journey through Peter's constant complaining, we made it to Mount Tamalpais.

"A mountain?" The kids groaned.
"Oh, come on, this is the least threatening thing I've done all year." I said.
"If meeting Kronos isn't threatening, what the fuck have you been doing all year."
"I've been in hell."
"Haha very funny." Peter crocked. "Your jocking right?"
"Well, at least I'm not dead." I said with enthusiasm. "Anyways let's go."
*More groaning*

We walked and walked, Piper and Jason still flirting. Leo was hitting on Thalia, which was strange to see. Peter, Annabeth and I just talked about random stuff.
"Dude, I totally forgot that I kicked Ares' ass."
"That's like the coolest thing we've done so far, how could you forget."
"Well, the guy is just a pain so I try not to think about him."
"Ok, I get that but whenever I see him I will rub it in." Peter said with a smirk. "Anyways what's the coolest thing you've done?"
"Hmm, ooh, you know the story of Achille getting dipped into the river Styx?"
"No, way!" Peter said in awe
"Yeah, I did it too."
"Wait, isn't that like really difficult? What kept you sane?"
"Oh, uh, it was actually Annabeth." I said blushing a little.
"Really?" Peter asked jokingly. "Her?"
"Jerk." Annabeth said. "Are you still indestructible?"
"Oh, no.." I said. "When you walk into camp Jupiter, the effect gets washed off, for some reason."
"Dam, we worked that hard for nothing?" Peter sounded disappointed.
"Well, no, it helped me kill a bunch of dudes, make a friends who helped us out of Tartarus." I said, then realised what I just said, my eyes widening.
"TARTARUS?" Annabeth yelled. Gaining confused looks from Thalia, Jason and Hazel. The rest of them didn't really know what Tartarus was.
"Uhh, I wasn't supposed to say that."
"When you said you were in hell, I thought you meant a lighter level of hell not fricking Tartarus!" She continued
Then Jason trailed in,
"Wow, you survived Tartarus?" He asked astonished.
"Kind of?" I said, "Me and Annie, we get nightmares sometime."
"Hold up hold up hold the fuck up, I was there!?"
"Fuck," I couldn't shut up.
"Also, don't call me Annie."
"Of course, you really don't change huh." I said with a small smile.

We finally made it to the top.
I was the first to go in, followed by Jason, Peter and Annabeth, then Thalia and Hazel walked in together along with the rest of the gang, yeah, now that I think about it, having all of them here- most of them not knowing how to fight- was not a good idea, well, I was nicknamed 'seaweed brain' for a reason

"Why is it, empty?" Jason asked cautiously.
"It isn't." Hazel muttered.
"Great." Peter muttered.

Then I saw him..

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