IX) The Forgotten

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I looked at her cautiously, my fists clenched hard.

"Luke did this?" I asked.

"We don't know." Peter said sadly.

"I swear to gods if it's Hera again I-"

"Hera? Like the greek goddess?" Annabeth asked.

"Oh gods, she doesn't know?" I frowned. "The greek gods, they're real, you're mother is Athena, the-"

"Goddess of wisdom." She finished.

"You seriously don't remember me?" She shook her head again.

"Hey, how comes Luke called the little boy Percy and you're called Percy too?"

"I'm not a little boy!" Peter yelled. Everyone chuckled at his childishness.

"I- I'm from the future, and so are you." I looked at her.

"So.. what's the plan?" Annie asked me.

"I- I don't know, do you have one?" I asked her.

"Well, no, I didn't know future me had amnesia."

"Wait wait wait, you're past me?" Annabeth asked Annie. She nodded.


I feel so bad for Percy, imagine getting pulled back in time with he worry of not seeing anyone you love from you're time ever again and you find one person from you're time but she doesn't remember you or anything. He's got it rough.

"I- I need some air." Percy said as he walked off alone, I decided to follow him.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey." He muttered, I could tell he was angry.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Do I look okay?" He said facing me, his fists were clenched so hard it looked like it could never unclench again. All his veins popped crazily, he looked terrifying. He walked to a wall and punched it, making me flinch, "That bitch!" He yelled.

"Sorry, it's just, I didn't know I loved Annabeth that much." I said looking down to avert his glare.

"Yeah, we- we go through a lot together, to have her forget them all, it's.. scary."

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, she'll be okay." I said patting his shoulder.

"You know, you're pretty good at comforting for the idiotic sass bomb you are." He said with a small smile.

I gasped, "Rude."

He chuckled.

I grabbed him a rag for his bleeding hand.

Everyone filed out, most looking worried, "We heard yelling." Jason said.

"No it's fine." We both said looking down.

"What happened to you're hand." Annie asked.

"No, nothing, it's fine." Percy said, hiding his had behind him.

But Annie walked up to him and grabbed his hand, unwrapping it. He looked at her, guilty. She pursed her lips and grabbed ambrosia but he refused to eat it.

"Percy, just eat it."

"No, I said I'm fine, this is nothing, save the ambrosia."

It took a lot to convince her. But she finally put it back down.

"So, whose the bitch?" She asked me while we were walking back to the van, we walked behind everyone to talk.

"Probably Luke, or a god or maybe Kronos?" I said.

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