IV) The Arrival

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"Hey, where's Jason" I asked a satyr that was walking by.
"I'll tell you if you give me a tin can." He said.
"I have no tin cans, man, can you please just tell me."
"No can do, no tin can, no info."
"Fine we'll ask someone else."
"Or maybe we could check his cabin." Annabeth suggested.
"Oh, yeah, or that." I said realizing it was easier that way.
We walked over to the Jupiter 'cabin', it was a large monument, very Roman, if that makes sense. It had large white pillars like in Colosseum's.

We entered to find a boy sat on a lonely bed in the far corner of the room,
"Jason?" I called
"Hm?" He said turning around.
"Uhh, who are you?"
"Oh, hello Jason, I'm Percy Jackson, son of Neptune."
"Oh hello, I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter."
"Wait, Grace?" Annabeth asked looking at a shocked Thalia.
"Uh, yeah?" Jason said confused
Annabeth looked at me and understood immediately.
"You're, you're Th- Thalia's brother?" She asked stuttering
"Um, whose Thalia?" Jason asked.
But Thalia just stood there dumbfounded
"Um, anyways, Jason we need your help."
Jason looked at all of us, when he glanced at Piper he stared a little too long and they both blushed. Yep, they were meant to be. He then looked at me and Peter.
"Um, your brother?" He asked
"No, he's me, from the future." Peter said emphasing the word future.
"Woow, how, what, huh?" Jason asked
"Um, that's what we're trying to figure out." I said
"Ok, I'm in. What do you need help with?"
"Kronos." I said firmly.
He was the time god, it only made sense he was trying to mess with me but how? I had defeated him, in my time so how did he send me back here?

"We have to go, immediately." I said.
Just then I was stopped by Octavion.
I gritted my teeth, this guy was the worst, many people died either sacrificing themselves or turning back to the good guys side, but not him.

"Hey, never seen you guys before." He said while gripping a teddy bear.
"Uh, yeah, anyways, we gotta go."
"Wow woow woow, not so fast, Jase here has stuff to do."
"Uh, this iss kind of important." I said through gritted teeth.
"I don't care, new kid." He said then glanced at my arm, he saw the tatoo then eyed me up and down. "So you have been here before."
"Yes." I said firmly trying to get out of there.
He was even skinnier than before, he was short and weak looking yet he still had that confidence that reeked of attention issues.

I grabbed Jason and led him outside, the others following closely.
"We really have to go." I said
"Yeah, I have no problems with it." He said.
Annabeth and Thalia still looked at Jason with interest, but not as much interest as Piper, geez, they were soo, meant to be.

Once we were about to leave when I spotted a girl, she had golden eyes, she sat in a corner, alone.
"Hazel?" I said, more to myself, but the others heard me. They all looked to the direction of the girl, confused.
"Oh, yeah, that's Hazel, she came a couple weeks ago." Jason explained. "She is very distant from everyone."
I approached her, while thinking, maybe I've already affected the timeline because she is not supposed to be here.

"Uh, hi?"
"I'm Percy, um, you must be Hazel."
"Uh, ye- yeah," she said.
"How did you get to camp Jupiter?" I asked.
"Um, why do you ask?" She said, suddenly becoming stiff.
"Oh, I just need your help, we are on a little, quest, as you can call it." I said, pointing at the group. They all waved awkwardly and I could see Frank blush intensely.

"Why should I trust you?" She murmured.
"Because, Hazel, like you, I'm not from this time," I said slowly, she looked up at me, concerned.
"How did you-"
"I'm from the future. I'm friends with you, with all of them, in my time." I said pointing at the gang once more.
She pursed her lips and finally got up, she looked hesitant but gave in.
"You seem like someone I could trust." She said quietly.
"I won't let you down."
With that, we walked towards the rest of the gang.
"Wow, you guys look identical, are you brothers?" She said amazed.
"Oh, um, this is actually my, uh, younger self." I said.
"Right, time travel, I forgot." She turned to me, "So, what are we doing?"
"We're going on an adventure. But first, we need to talk to dad." I said turning to Peter.
"Dad?" He asked.
"Yep, dad."

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