VIII) The Unexpected

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What a surprise.

I saw a girl, she had grey eyes and blonde hair, sitting on the rocks.

I know what you're thinking, 'oh my gods it's Annabeth', well you'd be right, kind of.

Annabeth was with Percy's group.

I saw her, I stood there shocked for a little until I was snapped back to reality by Hazel.

"What do you see?" She asked.

My eyes were still wide, "Um, hold on." I said, slowly approaching the girl before Hazel could protest. I hid behind boxes as I got closer.

I stopped in my tracks as I heard a voice, Luke.

"Annie, I'm sorry for this, I'll help you, we'll be a family again." He told her.

I creeped closer, more slowly and carefully.

"Please look at me Annie."

She ignored him

"Annie, there are bad people here, we have to go."

"Don't call me Annie!" She yelled.

"Don't attract attention! I'm trying to get you out of here." He said whisper-yelling.

How nice, Luke is acting like some hero.

As I slowly made my way over there, still crouching behind rocks, I heard a noise. I stepped on a candy wrapper. Great.

Who knew villains loved sugar?

"Whose there!" Luke asked. "We have to go." He said, hurriedly clutching Annabeth's hand.

To my surprise she took it, but I got out of my hiding place, the is no way I would let luke go off with a girl, let alone Annabeth. The guys a psycho.

"Luke," I grumbled giving him the nastiest glare I could muster.

Annabeth looked even more bewildered. "Who are you?" She asked.

"Yeah, Percy's, uh, different on this earth. Wait what?" Luke said, then grew suddenly confused.

What the fuck?

"Oh, now I'm the bad guy?"

"Shut it Percy! I know what you did."

"What did I do?" I asked challengingly.

"You're the, uh, Lightning Thief!" He yelled.


"Don't lie Percy! You know what you did!"

"Excuse me?"

"Annabeth, here, I'm the hero, he's the bad guy."

"Bull Shit."

"Don't listen to him."

"Luke, quit lying." I said.

"I'm not lying Annie, trust me." He looked at her like a lost puppy and I scoffed.

"Seriously? Tricking her won't work, you know she's smart."

"I do know she's smart, that's why I'm not tricking her."

"Annabeth, do you believe him?" I asked the confused girl.

"I- I don't know, I want to but, I-"

"Come with me." Luke said grabbing her hand tighter.

"No, don't. I can prove it, I'm not the bad guy, he is." I said pointing to Luke.

"How?" She asked and Luke turned pale.

"Guys, come on in." I said.

The rest of the kids walked in causiously. Annabeth looked more and more speechless as more of the kids entered.

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