XIX) The Cursed

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Earth 6

As soon as we got to the earth Chaos appeared too. It was dark outside so his aura was really bright compared to everything.

"I believe that is mine." He said.

I handed him the ring, "Can you like.. I don't know, give us a clue for these rings cause they're really difficult to deal with."

"Don't worry, I've manipulated the mist to make others believe you guys are new students at a highschool where the rings will be found."

"Oh great, school." I muttered sarcasticly.

"Percy, it's not that bad."

"Well, you better get ready, it's your first day tomorrow."

He vanished and I finally took in my surroundings.

We stood in a small house.

"So, I guess this is where we'll be living." Annabeth said.

I looked at the phone that was still in my hand, I opened it to see a playlist.

"This dude." I said grinning.


"He gave us some unreleased songs." I said, "Wanna listen?" I asked.

"Listen to your voice more than I already have to? No thanks." She said grinning.

I pouted, "Mean."

I gave her an air pod and connected the phone.

The album:

Line without a hook
Nothing even matters
Achilles heel
Trust fund baby
Cars outside

"Wow, he left us quite the selection, huh?"

"Yep." I said.

I quickly removed the contacts, never wearing those again.. hopefully.

We lied down on the bed and listened to the songs, slowly, I started falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up to an alarm that I swear wasn't on the phone before.

I got up yawning, "Morning, beautiful." I said.

"Morning seaweed brain." She said, "This nickname doesn't feel appropriate anymore, you've grown smarter."

"Thank you." I said grinning.

I got up and wore my regular black shirt, jeans and hoodie. Annabeth wore a crop top, jeans and her hoodie as well. Since it was raining, I know, I can't get wet but I can still get cold.

We walked out of the small house, "Where do we even study, Chaos never gives us enough instructions."

"I think he said Hawkins high, but you weren't listening."

"I wasn't?" I said scratching my neck sheepishly.

We saw a crazy haired guy and ginger girl walk by us, "Um, by any chance do you know where Hawkins high is?" I asked the crazy haired guy.

He eyed me weirdly for a moment, "Yeah, I'm going there right now, you guys want a ride?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

We hopped into his van.

"I'm Eddie by the way, Eddie Munson."

"Percy Jackson."

"I'm Annabeth Chase."

"You guys aren't from around here right?" He asked.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

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