III) Assemble

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When we left the big house, Annabeth was very silent and wouldn't meet either of our eyes, I mean, I don't blame her.
She walked to her cabin while I walked with peter.

"So, I date Annabeth in the future?" Peter asked looking slightly disgusted.
"Um, uh, ye- yeah." I said, while stuttering a bunch. I don't remember disliking Annabeth, but I probably didn't think of her as an actual girl at the time, if that makes sense.
"Dude, sick tatoo" Peter said with a little sarcasm. "What's it mean?"
"You'll see."
"Oh, come on, this is the coolest thing to happen to me and your not even answering my answers properly." He complained."Of all things, SPQR?"

"Fine, I'll answer everything else, because your literally gonna see what it means in a couple days. So stop being an ass and let's just get ready to leave." He scoffed at this, yeah, I guess I was really sassy back then, I mean, still am but, this boy makes you want to hold him underwater 'till the bubbles stop. Too bad that's not possible for a son of Poseidon.
"Um, how long have dated her?"
"About a year?" I said, was Peter... Interested?
"Do you love her?" He crocked refusing to meet my eyes.
"Yeah, we loved a lot." I said with a smile, reminiscing her features.
"How much do you l- love her?" He stuttered
"We gave a immortality."
"WHAT?" He yelled, eating us even more stares from the campers.
"IMMORTALITY. WHAT THE FUCK." he said and I just chuckled. "That's the CRAZIEST thing I've Heard, EVER."
"You don't know the half of I said." My smile slowly fading, gods I miss her.

Before we left I walked back to the campers alone. I saw Clarisse, she just glared at me. I saw the stolls twins, I smiled at them and they gave back a toothy grin. I saw, Beckendorf and Selina holding hands.
"Hey guys," I said
"Oh, hey, uh, future Percy?"
"You guys look cute together."
"Um thanks." They said looking sheepishly.
I hugged Beckendorf, "Thanks." I muttered, he saved me, I never got to say thank you.
"What for?" He asked.
"For being a good boyfriend." I said to him, I looked at Selina and she was blushing, "Anyways, I gotta go." I said alittle grudgingly. I didn't want to leave. Life was so simple back then, but I had to get back to Annabeth, I needed to.

Annabeth got in the van, Peter sat next to her and Thalia next to Peter, Argus was about to get in the driver's seat when I begged him to let me drive since I was old enough and had a licence, yeah, I, I just forgot it, you know, in the present. Yeah, that's a good explanation.

He looked at me reluctantly before giving me the keys. I smiled and got in the car driving off to our first destination. Piper's house.
We chatted while on the road, they asked a couple questions. I wouldn't have answered all of them but my mouth was working way faster than my brain, as always and my words kept slipping, yep, the timeline is going to die. Stupid ADHD.

We got to the pearly gate and I got in, I knew the password for the gate since me and Annabeth had come for sleepovers after the war. I walked to the big door and knocked. A man answered the door.
"Hello, how many I help you?" He asked in a stern voice.
"Holy shit, is that Tristan McLean?" Annabeth croaked.
"Yes it is, are you a fan?" The man asked but I interrupted before anyone else said anything.
"Hello, I'm looking for Piper." I said politely.
"How do you know her?"
"I'm a friend of her's." I said coolly.
"Ok, I'll go get her." He said eyeing me up and down.

Once Piper came, she looked at us confused.
"Who are you guys?" She asked
"Ok, I'mfromthefuturewhereyourmyfriend
andineedyourhelp." I said in one go.
"Ok, mister, from the future." She said then realized that I looked identical to Peter. "Prove it."
"Well, um, I know you never knew your mom, because she's actually Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty but you hate that people just look at you for your face and not your personality or skills, I know that you have charm speak which you have accidentally used on people to do stuff for you, I know that you constantly get yourself in trouble for attention from your dad because he focusses on his work too much."
She looked absolutely appalled. She cleared her throat and said,"What do you need my help with?" "Just come with us, we need to get the crew back together."
"Crew?" She asked
"Yeah, oh by the way, a boy will be there, his name is Jason, in the future you date." I said smugly as she turned abit red, "so you in?"
"Yes, but not for the boy." She said unsurely.
Peter and Annabeth just watched this play out, they looked very evidently confused.
We all got back in the van and I started driving.
"Annabeth, could you hack into the orphanage systems to see if there is a 'Leo Valdez'? She nodded and I handed her a computer that we grabbed from Piper's room.

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