X) The Connection

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I woke up in a cold sweat, the dream, it didn't make any sense.

I looked around the van to see everyone watching me carefully, then I turned to Peter, he had a confused expression present on his face.

"What did you dream?" Annie asked me.

"I- I don't understand, it never happened." I said looking around as Peter's eyes widened.

"You had that dream too?" He asked me.

"Yeah, but, what?" I stammered with my words.

I walked out the van to get some fresh air, Peter followed.

Everyone else filed out too to see what was happening.

I paced around, confused.

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know. What did you do? Why was she crying?" He asked me.

"I don't know, I didn't do anything, this never happened, I never talked to Nico about a dream." I answered.

"But that's impossible, maybe you forgot?" He asked.

"No, no, I didn't, what is going on?" I questioned.

"That voice who was it?" He asked.

"I don't know,"

"Is it not Kronos?"

"No, it's not Kronos, I know Kronos's voice, that's different yet familiar?"

"Hold on, what are you guys talking about?" Annie asked.

"We had a dream, the same dream." I said. "But it never happened, I'm from the future but I never experienced it."

"Maybe it's gonna happen?" She asked.

"No. The boy, you, he looked young, well, younger than you. Annabeth, she looked younger than she is right now as well?" Peter asked confused.

"Yeah, but it never happened." I said

"But that doesn't make any sense." Annie said

"None of this does." I continued

"What the hell." Peter finished.

"I- what? This is, I don't know." I stammered.

"Hold on hold on, that dead looking boy was Nico?" Peter asked. He looked at Nico confused, "Why was he so pale and- and dead looking?"

"Uh, allot happens."

"And Jason? And Piper? who was the red head?" He asked me.

"Rachel, she's the new Oracle."

"What?" Annie's eyes widened, "We get a new Oracle?" She asked.

I nodded.

"I'm so confused." Peter clutched his head like it was about to explode, Annie went over to him to comfort him.

Then suddenly, the world started spinning and I blacked out.

The last things I heard was everyone calling my name.

Read the other camp, my other book, it's all connected. Btw get excited, the next one is really good.

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