V) The Light

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We rode endlessly for a while, in the end we stopped at a gas station to get snacks, all the kids rushed out and into the store, Piper flashed them a credit card and told them to get whatever they wanted. Only me and Annabeth remained.

"Hey." I said awkwardly
"Hey." She replied.
"Um, how is everyone?" I asked
"We're all really close now. They're all really good people, so what did the prophecy mean by 'friends and foes' ?"
"I have no idea, I don't even know where to go, I just knew I had to get the group back together."
"Well, we'll figure it out." She said reassuringly

The kids got back into the van, holding a dozen bags of snacks. They all cheered and passed along the food. I couldn't help but smile at the friendship I created. Thalia and Jason has grown closer but she didn't tell him that she was her sister, I'm not too sure why. We parked there for about an hour just eating and talking.
"So, you candy Bianca are my half siblings?"
"Yeah, isn't it so cool, now I have two sisters!" Nico said with ecstacy.

I kept muttering the prophecy under my breath, the friends and foes shall wait their turn, in the darkest nights the light shall burn, I didn't think anybody heard me but apparently they all did.

"Percy, does the prophecy ring a bell?" Annabeth asked.
"Uh, maybe.. Leo, follow me." I said
"Ohh, someone's in trouble," Piper joked.

We got out the van, Leo looking nervous, Piper, Jason and Annabeth also got out and the rest just watched from the window.

"Leo, I need you to focus." I told the kid.
"Focus on what?" He asked
"Letting go." I said reassuringly, "Don't be afraid of your powers Leo, what happened that night was an accident, you were brainwashed."
He stumbled backwards, "No, No I- I didn't do it." He said while covering his ears.
"Leo, I know you didn't, what's done is done, you have to forgive yourself."
"No, I can't, it'll happen again,"
"No it won't, I believe in you."
"Please, don't make me do this."
"You have to Leo, when the time comes I need to know your able to do it."
Leo grudgingly looked at his hands, then he started concentrating,

"The friends and foes shall wait their turn, in the darkest night the light shall burn" I said encouragingly, "Leo your the light, your going to save us."

He kept concentrating, he closed his eyes, then, his hands took a spark, then boom, I was hit with the fire, I fell to the ground and almost blacked out, but I got up, my skin felt burnt, it hurt like hell.

"I- I didn't mean to-" Leo said, scared of himself.
"Leo, it's ok."
"No it's not!" His breath quickened, he stared hyperventilating, "I- I can't do this, I- I keep hurting people, I-"
"Leo, listen to me! Try again."
At this point I could barely stand, my face was hurting and my arms were red, everyone rushed out the van to try and help me.
"No, I can't."
"Leo! Try again! Don't worry about me, just- try."
He looked at me with sorrow, I nodded at him, then he closed his eyes once more,

"Concentrate, don't lose focus, feel the heat in your body, feel it come into your hands, don't let go of it, restrain it."

His breathing calmed, his hands had a spark again, this time the spark stayed, growing a little bigger but not getting too big, he slowly opened his eyes.

"You did it." I said with a hugs smile, "You did it Leo."
"I- I did?"
Everyone looked at him in amazement,
"Do I have cool powers too?" Nico asked.
I just smiled at him, "Don't tire yourself out kid, you'll learn them soon enough."

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