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Hello guyz,kindly ignore the spelling and grammatical mistakes,point out the them in comment box and all the pictures are from Pinterest so their credit goes to their real owners, now enjoy reading✨

Author's POV:-:

Haldi or should I say holi passed with lot's of fun and mischiefs.Everyone enjoyed accept Bride and Groom.
Ruhika left the ceremony in 10minutes due to a emergency in office
Ayesha didnt moved from her place saying she is not well....
And avyansh was getting irritated as he left his important meeting for this ceremony.......
Adheer and Rajawat family left from there as they got some family emergency...Adheer was not ready to leave but Ruhika ask him to leave as his family also needed him...

The wedding is going to take place in a palace of Rajvansh's,So they all left for there.....

Time skip~

The whole palace was shining with lights and adorned with flowers.
Every place was screaming royalty and luxury.....
Women's are wearing expensive dresses and jewelries.Men's are also not less....
Rajvansh's are attending guests and checking preparations.....
Every face was reflecting happiness and grin not knowing that it is going to vanish soon.Rajasthani music is playing.....
Kids are running here and there....
Every corner of palace was fully organized with roses.Some close Relatives are busy in talking and gosippings.
Girls are busy in flexing themselves....
No one was informed about bride and groom....
Everyone was feeling peacefulness not knowing its peace before the storm....

Groom's procession have reached the venue and after performing some rituals,Avyansh was asked to sit on the mandap for varpooja.
Seeing avyansh as groom many hearts of girls are broken as they were busy in dreaming about becoming the queen of Rajasthan...
And after sometimes Priest asked Amrita and dhirendra to call the bride.
And Rajvansh brother,avinash,sara disha and tara moved towards ayesha's room to take her outside........
Advik knocked the room and called"Esha(Ayesha's nickname) bacche lets go its time.We are getting late!!"
After knocking for sometimes and not getting any response.Panick rose inside them thinking of something bad happen to ayesha...
So ved said"Advik lets break the door I'm not getting a good feeling!!"
And after some kicks from them and the door broke (Majboot door hai bhaiya itna kamzoor mat samjho)

They all entered the room only to see ayesha's lehnga and jeweleries are laying on the bed along with gifts that rathore's gave her,her engagement ring and a letter.....
Vedansh picked the letter and started reading.....

"To my family:-
I know that you all are here to take me to the mandap but I am not there....
Sorry,I tried to get married according to your choice but I guess destiny don't want it to happen.I'M PREGNANT with the child of my long time boyfriend and love of my life...
I also got to know this yesterday night otherwise I would have denied for this marriage and also I think I can't survive in that environment as you all know how much I love independence and my carrier.And how much I hate being caged with rules of royalty.....
I'm sorry for everything,I know this will affect yours and rathores reputation but if I would have done this marriage, i would have betrayed the rathore family along with my boyfriend.I'm really sorry everyone.ika and vansh bacche take care of  ishi and shaan your jiji sa loves you.Sorry to rathore's also.And please don't try to search me bcoz now I have left the country till then....Sorry for destroying your reputation and thankyou for loving me......Give blessing to my child
Your esha❤"

After reading the letter ved stood there dumbfound...
And advik took the letter and read out loud....
And everyone was shocked listening him.

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