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Hello guyz,kindly ignore the spelling and grammatical mistakes,point out the them in comment box and all the pictures are from Pinterest so their credit goes to their real owners, now enjoy reading✨

Avyansh's POV:-:

What the hell is wrong with me!!She's right I should mind my own fucking business!!heck I should stay away from here!!I hate her right??I'm fucking gone mad bcoz of her!!wait do I like her?no..no this can't be true...she's fucking playing with my mind and heart as well.Girls and love only destroy lifes...you should not go on that track avyansh....
But at the moment I saw her in that saree with marital symbol....I forget to breath my heart skipped a beat,I felt an sudden urge inside me to hide her from the world...but I composed myself!!
And I know she was crying inside the washroom,she tried hard but can't hide her sobs...but why?

Author's POV:-:

Ruhika was done with cooking,she took help from cooks and enjoyed their company as well....and same goes to them,they didn't expect her to be this sweet....

She moved outside the kitchen just to meet anika and avni.
They smiled seeing her and avni said with a worried expression"bacche what happen to your wrist!"
Ruhika hesitated a bit and said"aunty its nothing I just get a small cut while removing the bangles..."

Anika looked at her worriedly and said"bacche is it hurting?why didn't you told me earlier?you should have remove it patiently!!"

Ruhika smiled was about to said something when avni said"aree leave it naa!!ye toh hona hi tha akhirkar it was their wedding night!"with a teasing look and anika also did the same
Ruhika looked at them with wide eyes,mouth hung open and red face.
"A...aunty i....its not w...what...."she was cut by laughings of avni and anika.
She decided to be quite

And after sometimes everyone started coming to the dining hall and Ruhika was in kitchen instructing workers to take the food bowls to dining table.

She was going towards her seat between ahaan and dhruv when they dhruv said"bhaaaabhiiii saaa"almost started singing.
Ruhika looked at him with raised eyebrows in questioning manner...
He both looked at ahaan before saying"We want morning hug!"and ahaan nodded.
Ruhika chuckled and said"why not my cuties come here!"
And hugged them before kissing their foreheads and repeated the step with dheer and vaahi.She's not that close to vidhi as vidhi always throw her unwanted attitude towards Ruhika...
She took her seat between ahaan and dhruv.And avyansh didn't like all this at all but didn't said anything.....

Then everyone started opening the lids of bowls and younger clan almost jumped at Ruhika after seeing there favorite preferences....and dhruv said"thankyou bhabhi sa I love you"and kissed knuckles of her left hand to which Ruhika smiled before saying"I love too champ"and ruffled his hairs while all this avyansh was just sending a bone shivering glare at dhruv and Ruhika but they royally ignored it.....

Ruhika was a bit nervous about taste of dishes......
And Rajveer said"kya baat hai bhai itni sari dishes or vo bhi itni tasty dikh rhi hai.I can't control it anymore!!"and everyone nodded and started breakfast....
As soon they took first bite....their moans filled in dining hall.....everyone complimented her except avyansh...to which ruhika felt a bit bad but composed herself before anyone could see it.
She was going to take the first bite but her phone  gaining everyones attention...
She looked at her phone...it was somya....
She picked up the call and "speak"annoyance was clearly visible on her face.....

"ma'am woo I inform you about that file work yesterday night naa its a bit urgent can you come to office or should i send someone to you with file?"

Ruhika sigh and ordered"Send someone! And if you called me again for these silly things then I will pack you in a bag and parcel you to NYC"
And disconnected the call....

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