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Hello guyz,kindly ignore the spelling and grammatical mistakes,point out the them in comment box and all the pictures are from Pinterest so their credit goes to their real owners, now enjoy reading✨

Guys I'm posting this chapter again after some changes hope you will not mind!!

Author's POV:-:

She wanted to say something but not able to form words she nodded.....

They spread their shirts in front of her and she dipped her hands in alta before pressing it on shirts,she repeated the step and gave her signature on it with date....
And then hugged them before kissing their foreheads and said"thankyou for all this and this much love...I'm really happy to have you all in the life".
Her voice was hoarse due to crying which she did when she was alone.

Everyone was happy seeing their bond except avyansh who was more furious on Ruhika now.
Avyansh left the room with rage bubbling inside him......

"Vaahi take Ruhika to avyansh's chamber and Ruhika bacche your bags are kept in room and if you need anything you can call anyone of us ohk?"'said anika.
Ruhika nodded her head and followed vaahi

Ruhika entered avyansh's chamber and vaahi showed her his whole chamber and moved out of the room....

Ruhika took a deep breath and was moving to took her clothes but then her phone rang and it was somya...

She frown seeing this but picked the call"what happen somya is everything OK?"said Ruhika

"Uhm actually ma'am there are some files from our event managing company which needed your attention and its a bit urgent so can you please come to the office tomorrow??I can also send someone if you say?!"said Somya with a bit hesitation

"Uhm no need to send anyone I'll be there anything else??"said Ruhika

"No ma'am"somya said immediately and disconnected the call.

Then Ruhika called her Personal secretary and ordered "I want my cars along with my necessary stuffs here by tomorrow morning.Ask saanvi or varya to pack it!!"and on getting positive response she disconnected the call.

She opened her suitcase took out her night suit and night routine stuff and was moving towards washroom after again packing it when she heard voice of opening of door.

She stopped at her track and turned to look who entered the room and it is.....Avyansh.

He come and stood in front of the side table removing his watch...
Ruhika didn't said anything and moved towards the washroom but stopped listening avyansh"wait... I want to have a word with you!!"in a cold voice.

Ruhika said without turning"we can talk later I'm tired right now"
and took first step when avyansh grabbed her wrist tightly and twisted it harshly at her back making her gasp at his sudden action"what the hell is this behavior?"

She tried to free herself but it didn't effect, in fact he twisted it more making her winch in pain...."avyansh ye aap kya kar rahe hain..chhode hume!"

Avyansh said"When i said i want then i want and don't expect anything from me.This marriage is just a forced decision on me, you are just a unwanted burden on me which I never wanted.I want to get rid of it as soon as possible....you will be daughter in law of this family but never think about becoming my wife.I hate you..Girls like you are just gold digger bloody sluts who whore around and spread their legs.........."before he could complete his sentence...Ruhika pulled her hands forcefully which result in braking of bangles and piercing in her wrist and blood started oozing.

She slapped him hard and roared"Its enough of you Avyansh Singh Rathore...you don't have any fucking right to call me with that bloody name!!
About expecting anything niether i expected nor i will.I am also forced in this marriage no one is intrested in marrying you.I also want to get rid of it ASAP!!And about being burden please don't care about me,please don't. I'm capable of doing it.My o..own fucking f...family is the reason behind t..this and d..don't worry about y..your reputation I am n..not l..like your s.sluts!!"
Her breathing became uneven.....

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