Infinity [OS]

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“Your eyes and smile are so beautiful, I could just stare at you for the rest of time and I’d never get bored.” An muttered out, clearly half asleep.

It was a long car ride home, they spent hours performing multiple times on a large stage, but holding each other close even for that slightest minute made all of it worthwhile.

“I really appreciate that, thank you.” Kohane replied, her eyes being slightly glossy from the occasional yawns that she had let out. 

“No..thank you.” An said, reaching for her hand and intertwining their fingers.

“For what? I didn’t do anything.” Kohane shrugged her shoulders.

“You’ve done everything, you’re there for me, every day and night, and I love you for that.” An mentioned, catching Kohane off guard by the sudden sentiments. “There’s no other Kohane like you, because you’re Kohane and–” An took a long yawn before continuing her words. “You mean everything to me.” She said, placing her head onto the nook of Kohane’s neck, seemingly falling asleep soon after.

The words took its time to register to Kohane, but once they did, they slammed hard.

“Oh…my…gosh.” Kohane muttered to herself, fighting back tears as she had in the backseat of a truck. “I love you too..I love you so much..god.” She chuckled, wiping the tears running down her cheeks with her wrist.

“Hey, you two, Toya is pulling into a restaurant. Do you…want…anything..oh..what happened here?” Akito spoke as he turned his head to the backseat, glancing at the scene.

“’s just..ah..” Kohane tried speaking like normal until she realized the tears weren’t going to stop that easily.

“I’ll..order the combo for you.” Akito nodded, the connections seemingly clicking in his mind as he turned back.

“That’ll–” She giggled. “Thanks.”

An was very good at being a lovey-dovey person, but she wasn’t known for having such sentimental values like those, Kohane didn’t know how to react to it.

The following morning, she didn’t have any memory of ever doing it, stating that she must’ve been completely wiped out of her own mind.

“It’s not like I disagree with what half asleep me said, you’re my girlfriend and I love you, I’d be willing to give up my entire future for one kiss.” An mentioned, taking a sip from her lemonade.

“I’d do the same and more, An-chan.” Kohane smiled.

“Nuh uh, I’d do the same and more-more.”

Kohane sighed, unable to help but reveal a bit of teeth from how widely she had begun smiling. “I’d do it an infinite amount of times, across every single lifetime.” 

“Infinity plus one.” An smirked.

“You cannot outnumber infinity.” Kohane mentioned, leaning back on her seat.

“I defy all standards.” 

"Never my standards though.." Kohane brought up. "Because my only standard is that you're Shiraishi An."

"Oh." An widened her eyes, a layer of baby pink forming across her cheeks as she struggled with her words. "You got me with that one..I don't have anything to say back."

"I learned from the very best." She giggled, blowing a quick kiss, which hypothetically would've made An explode in screams if they weren't currently located in a hotel.

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