Made with Love [DR/RP]

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"Kohane? Love, are you awake?" An questioned, gently placing her hand over Kohane's shoulder, tapping her in a pattern.

Considering the fact that Kohane's hair formed a mop on her face and how she usually murmured in her sleep, it was basically evident that she was indeed not awake. Despite that, she still repeated the question once more.

"Kohane..! Your eggs are gonna get cold." She said in a hushed tone, although it was loud enough to have Kohane shuffle herself awake, glancing to An with squinted eyes (She pulled the curtains all the way back, the sun now blared into the entire room..thanks An).

"Eggs?" Kohane's first word of the new day, sitting up against the headboard, moving her hair out of her face.

An had a wide smile on her face, and a plate of food in her hands. Once Kohane lowered her head to see what was on said plate, she went completely blank.

The sunny side eggs were not so sunny any longer, the rice looked like mashed potatoes, and the meat...she couldn't even identify what meat it was.

"You made this for me?" Kohane asked, pointing her finger to herself.

"Made it all by myself-!" She nodded quickly. "Try it..I put one secret ingredient in it so it's extra good!"

Was it seasoning? Probably not. Oil? No, that's why the air conditioner was blasting outside their room. Love? An most definitely provided a lot of that, which was the best policy for a home cooked meal.

"Maybe next time, you could wake me up a little earlier and we could make breakfast together!" Kohane suggested, breaking off a piece of egg from the plate.

"Sounds like a plan." An smiled, leaning down to place a kiss on the top of Kohane's head, ruffling up her already messed up morning hair.

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