4. Coffee Date

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The sound of hurried footsteps mixed with people yelling and a very light smell of dosa was reaching Abhi's nose while he was looking at the girl sitting in front of him with her head down.

When Shreya realized that her secret was out now, she offered him coffee to talk out this matter. Abhi tried to deny it but what could he do when she commanded him and dragged him out of the library to the nearby small restaurant? Here she ordered 2 hot coffees considering the weather which was a little cold since last night's rain.

Abhi looked at her looking down with her hand continuously tapping the table. He smiled seeing her getting all anxious. He was quite angry at her yesterday when she threw coffee at him but now his anger flew somewhere and he felt as if it was all meant to be.

Soon, the waiter came and put 2 cups of hot coffee in front of them. The slight smell of coffee mixed with chocolates hit Abhi's nose making him take a big puff of it. The smell filled his lungs and his eyes closed in Sukoon.

"Sorry for yesterday." She said finally after so much discussion in her head "But it was not my fault." She tried to justify herself "It was all fate's fault, she loves to play with me."

Abhi looked at her amused "May I know how Miss Shreya ?"

She looked up at him with guilt all over her face which troubled Abhi.

"I went there to meet a man for my marriage meet. I mean he didn't come there which I didn't know about. And you both share the same name so I came to your seat. And then........." She trailed off.

Abhi nodded in understanding and took a sip of coffee "But why was I bathed in coffee?" He asked still confused.

Shreya looked at him baffled "What do you mean why? You talked about experience and I mean... you know........... I was there for marriage ..............so" She said stuttering and bluffing in her words.

"But I was there for an interview," Abhi said.

And instantly the realization went upon both of them and they both made an understanding face knowing where everything went wrong.

Suddenly, a laughter sound reached Abhi's ears making him look up only to witness Shreya sitting there laughing her heart out. She laughed wholeheartedly making a smile to etch his face too. Her laugh went uncontrollable and she held his hand to control herself.

Her touch sent shivers down Abhi's body and he looked down at her hand holding his finger while laughing out loud.

"I am...." She tried to say in between her laugh "I am sorry but ." Slowly her laugh died down "I am so sorry....... I just thought about all this and it was all too funny. Oh God!!!! How could I even?" She said as her laughter was dying down.

"You don't know what I felt when my mother called me to let me know that the man I was supposed to meet didn't come. And when I saw you in the library I thought you were here to take revenge." She said taking a sip of coffee while Abhi sat there silently listening to her talk.

"I hope now you will guide me properly for the books I need," Abhi said.

Shreya's eyes widened "Of course! You know I don't like to read but I am best at guiding here in the library."

"Oh!! There are other employees too, I thought you were the only one." He exclaimed.

Shreya rolled her eyes at him "I am the only one. But I would have been the best even if there were thousands." She said looking at him proudly making him chuckle at her.

Later that evening

Shreya entered her house after a tiring day at work. She threw her bag at the table and plopped on the couch beside her father.

"My child is tired." Her father said as she lay down her head in his lap.

She just nodded closing her eyes when she heard her mother's voice.

"Shreya, what is this behavior? Put your shoes and bag in their place.." She shouted coming at her with a spatula in her hand.

Shreya closed her eyes and grumbled in frustration "I am tired ma."

"Let her be Vidushi. She is tired." Her father said saving his daughter from her mother's wrath.

"That is so unfair Dad. You don't say that when I come home tired from school. Instead, you send me tuition and then make me clean your bike every day." Her younger brother Aniket said entering, plopping down on the sofa with a complaining look.

"So what? She is my princess." He said stuttering on getting caught.

"Maa are you seeing the biasedness? I just can't wait when she gets married." He grumbled glaring at his sister.

Shreya's eyes opened instantly on hearing him and she threw her bag at him angrily "What's your problem if I get married or not?"

Aniket squinted his eyes "If you get married then I will get the whole room for myself and also the love of Mom and Dad." He teased her throwing her bag back at her.

"You might get the room but not their love. After all, you are adopted one." She said showing him his tongue.

Aniket's face dropped on hearing him and he ran to his mother hugging her crying at his sister's heartless self.

Shreya belongs to a middle-class family with her father being a teacher in a school nearby and her mother being a housewife. Her father earns a decent amount but Aniket's study needs most of their money and space. That's why Shreya took a temporary job at the Library after her graduation and waiting to earn enough money to do M.B.A. without troubling her father more.

While on the other side, Abhishek was making dinner for himself when his phone rang. He quickly dropped the spatula on seeing his elder brother Aashrit's name there.

"Good evening bhai." He said instantly upon picking up the call.

"Good evening ." He heard a tired and gruff voice.

"Are you overworking yourself again?" He asked knowing well how much his brother loves work.

"That's not important," Aashrit replied dismissing him as Abhi heard the rustling voice of some paper.


"Do you have a pen and paper nearby? If not, grab it quickly."

Abhi looked around and found a diary and pen in the first cabinet of the kitchen which was filled with grocery list "Got it bhai" He said putting the phone between his shoulder and ear.

"Note some companies' names, they are searching for startups to invest in."

"Bhai, I don't.........."

"Look I am not helping you directly or influencing someone to invest for you. I searched for these and found these companies. You can send your proposal to them and they will decide solely based on your capability." He said dismissing his younger brother.

Abhi knew his elder brother never lied so he started jotted down the name as his brother spoke from the other side. After around 10 minutes of discussion, Abhi got an insight into all these companies and also the requirements of the investment.

"Had your dinner?" Aashrit asked at last.

"I was just preparing."

Aashrit suddenly got worried about his health on seeing the clock ticking at 10 P.M.

"You should hire a maid. Should I send one here from the palace?" A worriness clear in his voice.

"No bhai. It's not needed." He quickly replied.

And a silence prevailed between them.

"Abhi," Aashrit called him.

"Yes, bhai."

"If it doesn't work out, then you can always come back. No one will judge you. You can gain more experience here with me and then start anew. You don't need to be scared of anyone or any judgment till your elder brother is here." He said letting his younger one know about his worry for him.

"I will bhai," Abhi said smiling at his elder brother's rare emotions.



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