26. Yaduvanshi?

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A month later

Shreya was in the kitchen with Ramya. She got used to everything in this house. She now knew that the more she will resist Viren, the more she'd be hurt and the more he'd pain her. And the less she resist him, the easier it would be for her to stay in here.

She didn't want to stay with him though but she didn't have any option, and, she finally decided that as long as she didn't get the opportunity to get out of there, she would bear his tortures.

She was not being assaulted physically by Viren since she stopped resisting him but his assault on her soul and dignity never stopped. Sudden tears flowed from her eyes as she thought about how he ruined her every night.

She wiped her tears quickly as she heard Ramya coming inside.

"Shreya" Ramya put her hand on her shoulder.

"Did you find any way?" Shreya asked the same question she was asking her all these days and Ramya's face told her the answer.

Before Shreya could say something, loud shouts of Jagbir Singh Raichand echo around the house. Ramya and Shreya looked at each other and then ran outside.

"Viren." Jagbir Raichand shouted once again.

Viren reached the hall while Shreya was standing beside the pillar silently away from Jagbir's sight as the daughter-in-law of that house is not allowed to talk between males.

Before Viren could say something, Jagbir slapped him hard on his face making Viren stumble back. Viren's eyes went red and he looked around at everyone looking.

"Baba," He said but Jagbir slapped him again.

Jagbir kept slapping him until his mother came to stop him "What are you doing, everyone is looking." She said holding his hand.

Jagbir looked at Viren in anger "Then let everyone look." He said and held Viren's collar pulling him a little up.

"Ye ladki," Jagbir said pointing towards Shreya "Ye ladki Yaduvanshio se related h." He said gritting his teeth in anger. (This girl is related to Yaduvanshi's )

Viren's eyes widened in shock. He never wanted his father to know about this knowing well how much he fears Yaduanshi's. His father is a minister under Yaduvanshi's political party and going against them means losing your political career.

"Baba" Viren tried to say but Jagbir again slapped him hard.

"How dare you to hide such a big thing from me?" Jagbir shouted.

"Arey why are you slapping your child for those Yaduvanshi." His mother spoke coming in between them.

"Because those Yaduvanshi's will burn our house and our entire kingdom in a night and no one will talk about us for ages." He shouted at his wife as fear passed through everyone's eyes on hearing Yaduvanshi's name alone.

Shreya who was standing beside the pillar was shocked to know this new information about Yaduvanshis.

Jagbir threw a picture at his wife's face. It was a picture of Shreya with Abhishek as Abhi was holding her possessively while Shreya was looking cutely at him.

"I got this picture. Every person got this picture all over India, not just this state. Do you realize their reach? Even the state where their party doesn't rule got this picture. If Any person, any person saw you with her they'll ruin us in ways that even satan will not be able to help us." Jagbir said sitting on the couch.

Viren looked at the picture in anger and then at Shreya who stepped back on seeing his red eyes. He then looked back at his father.

"I handled it well baba sa. She'll not be going outside of this house and any person living in this house would never share anything about her outside of this mansion anyway." Viren tried to calm his father.

Jagbir looked at him and then at Shreya "Now she'll die before she leaves this house, Got it?" He then looked at Viren "I don't wanna lose my seat because of your hornieness."

Jagbir then looked at his guard "The moment this girl steps her feet out of the house, kill her that instant." He said going outside.

Viren looked at Shreya in anger and left after his father.

As everyone left the hall, Ramya walked towards where the picture was and took it in her hand. She looked at the picture and then at Shreya with wide eyes

"You.." She pointed at her speechless "You are related to Yaduvanshi." Ramya said walking towards her.

Shreya looked at the picture and forwarded her hand to look at her reason for bearing all this torture. She looked at the pic and saw Abhishek looking at her lovingly. A small smile formed on her face seeing her man after so long.

"You look pretty smiling." She heard Ramya saying and she looked up at her with a smile and proud look on her face.

"My boyfriend." She said with a proud smile.

Ramya's eyes widened "Abhishek Yaduvanshi is your boyfriend?" She asked shocked.

"Yes, di. He is my boyfriend. I know he will save me. Even if it takes some time, he will finally get me out of here." She said hugging Ramya while later was still shocked.

"It's not good. No!! They will increase your security now, and, and it would be hard to get you out of here." Ramya said with scared eyes and Shreya's happiness was cut short.

While on the other side, Viren was standing in front of his father with his head low.

"Cut slack in the number of servants in the home, only trusted servants would be here, I don't trust anyone. Make sure she stays away from any party member's sight."Jagbir said walking around in the room "She will not leave this premise in any condition." He said in a finalized voice "Malik, keep eyes on every servant and every person who was there at that moment, go to their house and show them what could be done if they decide to cross us." Jagbir said to his trustworthy man, Girish malik.

Jagbir looked at his son "You knew who her boyfriend was?"

Viren nodded " I made sure about everything, they'll never know where she disappeared. My men are even keeping an eye on her parents who were sent back to their village." He said before his father could make him kneel and lick his saliva.

Jagbir looked at him with red eyes " I tried so hard to hide your horniness from Ramya but then I even made her family agree to your second marriage knowing well they are the fundraiser for our election." He said sitting on his chair, pointing him to kneel in front of him and Viren kneeled instantly. "And you hide such a big thing." He said putting his feet on his hand tightly "Do you even know I almost had a heart attack when I saw Aashrit Yaduvanshi in that meeting looking like Yamraaj came to earth , asking us to give our best to find this girl? " He said as his leather shoes crushed his knuckles " Hide her or else I will throw you in front of him to kill you or even kill you by my own hands if he asked." He said standing up and leaving the room with Malik behind him.

Viren stood up in anger "You are going to pay for my insult Shreya." He thought in anger as he threw his phone on the ground tightly.

When he went home that night, he made sure that the whole haveli heard her screams. Ramya even tried to bang his door but he didn't listen and the sound of the belt scraping the skin could be heard outside. He only stopped when he got a message that his father reached the haveli but didn't leave the room making sure she didn't get the painkiller and bear the pain for the whole night. While Ramya tried to go to her father-in-law for help only to be stopped by her mother-in-law.



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