28. Pregnant?

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NOTE: Many of you were confused with timeline so let me clear the confusion. All of this has happened before Aashrit and Meera's marriage.

And now what will be happening from this chapter is after Aashrit's marriage.

Also Shreya and Abhishek were together for 1 year and now they will be separated for 1 year.


 After some months

Shreya was in her room lying on her bed with heavy dark circles under her eyes, bruise on her lips, strangled bruise on her neck, looking up at the fan rotating. She closed her eyes and whispered "Abhi". Her voice was low and tired. Last night when Viren came, Shreya was looking at her and Abhi's pictures which angered Viren and hurt his already fragile ego.

She looked at the clock ticking 9 in the morning and she tried to get up only to fall back. She gave up on herself and closed her eyes looking for some relief.

Ramya came to Shreya's room when she didn't come outside till 10. She knocked on the door but got no answer. She pushed the door a little and she peeped inside to find Shreya lying with her eyes closed. Ramya walked towards her and sat beside her on the bed.

"Shreya" Ramya called out sweetly "Wake up Shru, It's morning." She said caressing her hair only to hear groaning.

Ramya squinted her brows and put her hand on her forehead only to pull her hand back instantly feeling a strong warm sensation. "You have a fever!!" She exclaimed to herself.

Ramya stood up instantly and went out of the room and asked a maid to prepare some soup while she took a cotton cloth and some cold water to her room.

She made cold water strips and put them on her forehead to lower her body temperature. Soon, a maid came with the soup and Ramya tried to wake Shreya up. She shook her when she didn't respond to her voice but Shreya still didn't wake up.

Ramya took some water in her and and sprinkled it on her eyes to wake her up but she still didn't open her eyes which made Ramya scared and fresh tears covered her eyes.

She hurriedly stood up and ran out of her room to see her mother-in-law sitting in the hall.

"Maa ji Shreya is not opening her eyes," Ramya said with tears in her eyes and her voice shaky.

Her mother-in-law looked at her irritated "So what?" She said dismissing her

"Maa ji she is not waking up, please call the doctor," Ramya said not believing how she was so unbothered.

"No one even let me sit with peace."Her mother-in-law said ignoring her and stood up to go to her room.

Ramya stood there shocked at seeing her reaction. She couldn't believe her eyes. They are hating on the girl who is a victim herself while supporting their devil son. But she was not going to give up. She ran to her room and took her phone to call their family doctor. And without asking anyone, she called the doctor at home.

While on the other side, one of the men Viren came running to him informing him about a call going out of the mansion by his wife's phone angered him to the core. He stood up from his chair in an instant and started his car. It was a distance of 40 minutes from his office to his house. He knew if his father got to know about a new person visiting their house without his prior information then he'll kill him for sure. He accelerated his car and not even 30 minutes later he reached his house finally.

He entered inside with anger in his eyes only to witness a happy environment in his house. His father and mother were smiling while Ramya and Shreya were nowhere to be seen.

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