14. Will you marry me?

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Hii Sunshines, some days ago I said I would stop posting if I didn't get votes. And I am not getting votes but what I can do if people doesn't listen. Then I thought it would be unfair to those 500 people who are religiously voting so I decided to keep posting. Anyway, I decided on a schedule now and the updates will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


 Abhishek turned to Shreya and her eyes went to a picture of Shreya and Abhi in a big frame. She looked back at him and then at the picture again.

"It's your house." She exclaimed while Abhi rolled his sleeves and walked to the other side of the hall. Shreya treads on heels after him. And her eyes roamed around the interior. She looked around to see pictures of his family and them together.

"Why do you have our pictures here?" She asked as Abhi gave her a glass of water.

Abhi's eyes furrowed at her question "What do you mean by that, love?"

Shreya went silent and gulped water down her throat while looking around at the different pictures. She turned back to see Abhi in Apron cutting vegetables. She quickly walked up to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Preparing dinner."

"I will help you." She said going to take another apron when he pulled her to himself. He held her from the waist and made her sit on the counter and stand between her legs. All of this happened too suddenly that she didn't understand anything and her eyes widened.

He came close to her lips and looked into her eyes "The only help you could do right now for me is making me feel energetic." He whispered near her lips "And that could be done by some kisses." He said as his lips rested on her cheeks and lingered there for some moments making her feel butterflies in her stomach.

He pulled back and started chopping veggies when Shreya spoke "Your house is beautiful."

"I have a surprise for you." He said and Shreya's eyes widened. She loves surprises.

"What is it?" She said with excited eyes.

Abhi chuckled at her excitement "It is a surprise for a reason, love."

Shreya huffed and looked at him with a pout. Abhi noticed her pout and smiled at her childish self "After dinner, I will give you the surprise. Now smile for me." He said while putting a pan on the stove.

Shreya heaved a deep breath and looked at him gracefully cooking food. Se noticed how gracefully he cooked everything. She also loves cooking but his passion for cooking was something else. Her eyes went to his eyes noticing every masala before putting, on his rolled-up sleeves showing his veiny hands. He took a spoon from nearby took some gravy in it and tasted it. She noticed how his lips held the spoon and his eyes lit up with taste. Her throat went dry with his actions and she tried to move her eyes to the other side but she couldn't. While noticing him she didn't realize when he came near her and kissed her nose as his head rested on her shoulder.

His lips stayed on her shoulder "Don't look at me like this, love. I won't be able to control myself." He said holding her neck in his hand and biting her. His lisp stayed there for a moment when he started sucking it.

She came to the senses when she felt pleasure and she pushed him suddenly "Abhi, I have to go back home. What if Aai or Baba saw it? Don't make any hickey." She said with wide eyes remembering how hard it was to hide the hickey that he made last time.

"Just some more days love. I will be going home this Sunday and I will talk to my family. And once we get married, I will see how you will make those excuses." He said making her laugh.

Soon, the food was ready and served by both of them. Shreya was savoring the food while praising him for his cooking skills.

"Oh, God Abhi!! You cook so well. If I haven't been already in love with you then I might have fallen for you by eating the food you make." Abhi's heart swelled with pride on hearing her.

"No worries. You can fall more for me. I would be happy." He said sending her a flying kiss.

Shreya's face went red hearing him "You flirt a lot." She said looking down and gulping the food.

"And you love all that flirting." He said taking her hand and kissing it.

Shreya looked up at him with a blush on her face and Abhi got the answer.

Soon, they finished the food together and did the dishes. Well actually Shreya forced him to let her do the dishes and he finally lost to her. But for the whole time Shreya di dishes, he stood there back hugging her, kissing her shoulder, flirting with her.

Later, they both were sitting on two chairs on the balcony holding hands together.

"Shri." He called her making her look at him instantly.

Shreya looked at him but didn't say anything.

He stood up and sat on the floor in front of her making her sit up straight.

"Ab........." She tried to say but got shushed by him.

"Shri, I always used to joke about marrying you. But, it was never a joke from my side. I want to marry you and I am sure about that." He said holding her hand in his while Shreya's heartbeat fastened hearing him. Her chest lacked air as Abhi spoke.

Abhi took an envelope kept beside a small stool and forwarded it to her" And that is the proof of my promise." He said kissing her hands "I would have proposed to you for the marriage on 1st day itself but I wanted to achieve something so I could fulfill all your demands. And finally, now I think I can do that."

She looked at him and then at the envelope in her hand and she didn't know what to do. She looked at him helplessly when he smiled "Open it." He whispered.

Shreya didn't know what was there in the envelope and maybe she was not ready for this but still, she wanted to know. She tore the envelope and some papers were there.

She looked up at him but he gestured for her to look at the papers and she opened the paper.

Her eyes went to the title of the paper and she looked at him instantly with wide eyes. It was the ownership paper of the flat.

"Abhi I can't........." She said pushing the paper back to him but he held her hand.

"Shri, don't think of it as a burden. We cracked the biggest deal last week. And I bought this house from that profit and my previous savings. Giving you this house means I am giving you all my struggles and hard work. I might earn as much money as I want but the first salary from your start-up is something else. Giving you this flat means that I am giving you my hardship, my success, my failures, my profits, and my loss." He said as tears brimmed in Shreya's eyes on hearing those words.

She was well aware of the man who shared a bed with their partner but he was different, he was sharing her successes and failures with her. And she broke down in tears. She pulled Abhi in a hug and cried on his shoulder. She tightly hugged him as he held her in his embrace. Her cries soon turned into hiccups.

"Why do you love me so much?" She cried "What did I do to deserve you?" She stuttered her words out feeling hard to even speak due to pain in her throat. "I do nothing for you yet you do all this. I am sorry I feel like I don't deserve you. You are too precious. Too precious to even leave you alone in this world." She said as she fell on her knees and hugged him tight.

"You will never leave me, right?" Abhi said slowly as if these words were hurting him.

"Never. I will never. I will always be with you." She said as they pulled back from the hug.

Abhi wiped her tears with his thumb pad while she was still getting emotional. He held her hand in his " So will you marry me?" He asked her again.

Shreya looked down and brought out the ring from her middle finger and made him wear that on his pinky finger "I will marry you. And if not you, then who else?" She said hugging him as they both lost in each other's embrace.

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