11. Broken

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 Shreya and Abhi reached Nitya's apartment and Shreya opened the door with the extra key she had. They both entered the apartment only to see everything scattered. She stumbled on seeing the condition of the apartment and a sudden fear engulfed her.

"Nitya." She called but heard nothing.

Abhi holds Shreya's hand "Don't panic Shri. You check at her bedroom and I will look at other places."

Shreya nodded and walked at a fast pace to her bedroom while Abhi walked in the other direction. She opened her room only to see darkness. She quickly turned on the lights only to see Nitya sitting there on the floor with her back supported by the bed and her head on her knees while her body was shivering.

"Niti." She screamed and ran to her.

Nitya looked up at Shreya and hugged her tightly. Abhi also ran into the same room on hearing Shreya and looked at the duo hugging while Nitya was crying loudly.

Shreya rubbed her back while Nitya cried her heart out. Her throat was clogged and her breath was getting heavy but she couldn't just remove the thoughts from her mind.

"What happened Niti? Please tell me." She said holding her face between her palms.

Nitya cried as she spoke "He left me Shru. Kavi left me."

Both Abhi and Shreya were shocked to hear her. Abhi went to both of them and caressed Nitya's head while she cried putting her head on Shreya's shoulder.

Shreya looked at Abhi hopelessly as her eyes filled with tears on seeing Nitya's condition.

"What happened Niti? Please tell us, why you broke up?" Abhi said while Nitya didn't speak and only cried.

"It must be a normal breakup. It happens a lot in couples, Niti. It must not be that serious. Don't cry please" Shreya said rubbing her back.

Nitya leaned back from the hug and looked at Shreya "He never loved me. He used me." She said shocking both of them. And her eyes again filled with tears "You know what he said Shreya?" She wiped her tears and continued " He said that he never wanted me. He wanted you. He used me to get close to you." She said as pain could be heard in her voice "Why does everyone use me? Am I that bad? Don't I have a heart? Why I don't have love in my life?" She said closing her eyes.

Shreya hugged Nitya as she looked up at her

"Why shru? Why did it happen to me?"

"Shhh Niti, there's nothing like this. You are such a cute girl everyone loves you. It's just some people who don't recognize your worth."

Nitya chuckled "But not pretty or beautiful or hot," She said as tears gathered in her eyes "No one ever in my life told me that I am beautiful. Shru no one said, no one in my life ever called me pretty. All my life I heard that I am cute but I don't want to be cute. I want someone to look at me and get mesmerized. I want someone to stop and take a double look at me and get lost in my beauty. But no one ever did. I felt tired with my search for love." She said as she hiccupped

"Am I not worthy of love or attention? Why am I a second lead, shru? Why am I, not a main character who gets anyone's attention instantly? My heart hurt shru. Even Kavi used me. He wants you and used me to reach out to you. But......... what about me? What about my feelings shru? What about my heart? No one looks at me.... No one proposed me........ even you left me............ You also stopped giving me attention since Abhi came into your life. " She said letting out her insecurity while looking at Abhi with pain in her eyes.

"I am not asking you to give all your time but at least we can talk, you can listen to my blabber or go to evening tea like usual but even that got changed. And I feel like if I tell you this then you'll think I am getting jealous of you and Abhi's bond but........but I am angry at the fact that the only person who used to care for me was also snatched by someone. " She said holding her hair in a tight clutch as both Abhi and Shreya realized their mistake. They realized how they ignored her presence unknowingly. They tried to remember when was the last time they talked with her.

"You both proved, you are like others too. You also left me when you found my replacement. I was always replaceable. I was just filling the gap for someone else. I was just an extra who could be removed once their purpose was done.

My chest hurt shru, I feel pain when I have to walk home alone or I have to work alone in the library or when I have to ................" She cried not able to say words out loud.

"Niti, I am sorry we never meant to," Abhi said as Shreya nodded with him.

"It's funny that you never meant to do this and the irony is that you never realized my absence. You were so happy in this new life that you forgot your friend."

"I am leaving. Living here hurts me. It hurt my heart. Every day I feel that I am worthless." She said as alcohol took over her mind "I called my father. I told him I would be handling his business as he asked me to. I will live alone, I will marry the man he wants me to, and I will now focus on my career and nothing else." She said and looked at both of them shocked.

"Because I am the second lead and a second lead never gets love." She said as her eyes closed in pain.

"I am sorry Niti, I am sorry baby." She said hugging her.

Their moment was interrupted when they heard a dominating, gruff voice of a man "When are we leaving?" all three of them looked at the door, where a man in his late 20s was standing with one hand in the pocket and the other was holding the phone in it.

"Annaya," Nitya said with wide eyes and quickly wiped her tears.

Shreya looked at the man as she heard Annaya from Nitya's mouth. She always heard about him and on seeing him she could tell that none of that was wrong when Nitya said her brothers are scary. He is 6 ft 2 inch with a buff body and a thick beard. His fitted suit was giving him a businessman look but his eagle eyes were giving a mafia vibe.

" Raa , thondharaga sardhuko Nitya ". He said to some guards who were standing outside the door but suddenly entered the room and started putting things in a bag without asking Nitya. (Come on, Pack things up of Nitya.)

Abhi understood the situation and went up to her brother. "Hello, Mr. Drishith Raghavendra. I am Abhishek Yaduvanshi."

The man shook his hand and smirked "Who doesn't know you, Mr. Yaduvanshi? But I didn't expect to meet you here."

Abhi took a deep breath "Can you please give Nitya a moment? She needs some alone time."

Drishith looked at Nitya "Well then she shouldn't have called our father so soon. I have an important meeting to attend in Hyderabad so make it quick." He then looked at Nitya who was sitting there shocked " 10 minutes Nitya ." He said moving out of the room.

"Nitya don't go. We will find some way." Shreya said hurriedly as Drishith left without caring about the bodyguards gathering things in bags.

Nitya wiped her tears and held Shreya and Abhi's hands together "Take care of each other. I don't feel welcome here anymore. I feel suffocated here." She said taking a deep breath "I am not blaming you both because these things happen unknowingly in a relationship. But I want to go back, I want to look after my business. I spent my holidays happily with you. Now I should work and focus on my career."

"But nitya.........."

"I told you Shru when I look at old people and young children begging on streets, it pains my heart but I was stupid to never take action. I am a billionaire if I want I can help thousands like them but I decided to choose my freedom. Maybe that's why God was punishing me because I was being selfish." She said with a smile while tears were streaming from her eyes. "I want to start a new life." She said hugging them both.

"Don't go please." Shreya cried.

"I will call you once I reach there." She said wiping her tears and then turned towards Abhi "Take care of her. Handle her well when I am gone. I don't know when will we meet but she is very close to my heart."

Nitya said standing up and moving out of the room when Abhi held her hand and the trio hugged together.



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