16. Revati and Abhimaan

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OG couple is back.


Abhishek settled in the plane and messaged Shreya. He looked out of the window excited to reach his house and tell his brother about her. He knew that if his brother agreed then no one was going to oppose their relationship. He looked at the picture of Shreya in his wallet and leaned back with closed eyes thinking about his princess and soon he was out like a light.

He was in his dreamland when he felt someone shaking his shoulder. He instantly opened his eyes to see an air hostess smiling at him. He squinted his brows at her.

"Sir we are landing soon. Please tighten your belt." She said politely and left.

Abhishek sat back looking around to see everyone fastening their seat belt. He looked at the time and saw that it had been more than an hour already. He rubbed his face sobering from his sleep and started fastening his seatbelt.

Soon, their flight landed and at the check out Abhishek found Nirvaan waiting for him already. Nirvaan is Abhishek's personal bodyguard who had to stay back as Abhishek wanted to start everything from scratch without any privilege with him.

Abhi looked at Nirvaan and hugged him "Looks like you couldn't wait even a minute for me that you entered the airport ." he chuckled.

Nirvaan grumbled and took the bag from him "I am not like others who leave people for more than a year and don't even visit for once in between."He said and Abhishek chuckled at him.

He was not just his bodyguard but also his best friend. He is the man with whom he could share everything without any hesitation. Nirvaan had seen him in the happiest to worst all possible state in these past 5 years.

"Don't throw tantrums and tell me why was I called instantly," Abhishek asked him walking out of the airport thinking about the message he got from his brother to reach the palace today only.

Nirvaan put the bag at the back of his car and settled in the driver's seat as Abhishek settled on the passenger seat.

"It's princess," Nirvaan said not beating around the bush.

"What did she do again?" He asked knowing how mischievous his younger siblings are.

Nirvaan gave him his phone and Abhi's eyes widened. Revati was there hugging a man, not any other man but Abhimaan Singh Chauhan.

"Wait!! Bhai already talked to everyone to cancel her engagement with him." Abhishek said shocked.

Nirvaan put his phone on the cup holder "They fell in love is what the princess said and she wants to marry him only."

"What did bhai say?" Abhishek said thinking about his brother.

He knew how much his brother worked to make sure that Revati's betrothal with Abhimaan broke even before she got an idea.

"He called his family today. They must have reached the palace already."

Abhishek holds his head in between his palms thinking about his brother and his anger.

There he thought to take permission for his love story but his sister already caused such a huge ruckus at home. He knew he had to wait before revealing his relationship in front of his family. He searched for his phone to inform Shreya about his arrival at home but before that, Nirvaan put a break.

Abhishek looked at the front to see 2 cars in the parking. And he knew it must belong to the king of Mewar.

"You should go inside first. I will bring your luggage." Nirvaan said going out of the car.

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