40. Viren

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Note: I made some changes in previous chapter and made Ramya's father in law , women welfare minister instead of education minister.


A day before

In a basement of an abandoned building Viren was sitting with many men of his guarding outside. His face had lines of worry, and his finger furiously tapping his thigh as he was waiting for someone. A man came close to him

"They are here." He whispered in his ear.

A smile formed on Viren's face on hearing him and he nodded at him asking to bring them inside. Soon, three people were brought inside the room with their eyes covered, mouths gagged and hands tied on their backs.

Viren laughed looking at them and all three of them stiffened at the place.

"Remove their eye folds. Let them see their son-in-law." He said and all three of them stiffened at their place.

Shreya's father Dhruvesh, her mother Vidushi, and her brother Aniket looked at the man sitting in front of them with a smirk on his face.

Their eyes looked around them to find themselves in a hall of an abandoned building, with Viren sitting there and around 20 men standing behind him.

"Where is my daughter?" Dhruvesh asked the first thing.

Aniket looked all around the room but saw his sister nowhere. Before anyone could understand anything, he walked towards Viren at a fast pace and made him stand on his feet by holding his collar, hitting him on his jaw making him fall on the floor.

He sat over his chest and punched him again "Where is my sister, you bastard." He said trying to punch him but his hand was held by Viren as he flipped him making him lay back on the floor and Viren punched him on his nose.

Dhruvesh and Vidushi ran to them but were held by the bodyguards. Aniket tried to fight Viren but being small in age and body didn't help him much. Viren punched him continuously till his nose bleed and he coughed out blood.

"You fucker!! First, your sister ran away and now you dared to hurt me." He said punching him again and losing consciousness.

He only stood up when Girish dragged him back "Don't kill them. We need them as a hostage." He pulled him back.

Viren pushed Girish aside took his gun from the table and aimed at Aniket's unconscious body "I will kill him. How dare he to even touch me, let alone punch me." He shouted but Girish stood in front of him.

"If we lose them, then Shreya won't be able to come to you." He tried to make him understand and on hearing Shreya Viren stopped.

He looked back at her parents and walked to them with the gun hanging in his hand "Your daughter made a grave mistake by running away from me." He said and relief formed on her parent's faces at knowing about the safety of at least one of their child but soon it turned into grief "And you will now help me to bring her back."

"What?" Vidushi said in horror "We will never" She spitted out "We will never bring our daughter to a devil like you." She said and a slap landed on her cheeks instantly making her fall to the ground.

Dhruvesh walked towards Viren but guards held him back.

"Keep your hands to yourself, you asshole." He spitted out.

Viren ruffled his hair and looked at Girish "I can't listen to these bastards. Write the letter with her brother's blood and if it's less then take some from her parents." He said walking out "And send that video of her brother getting punched also." He said and walked out of the room to the other room which had a bed with some eatery.

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