First Heartbeat

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"YOU!!" Hearing a scream, Jeongguk looked in that direction and using the same word, he also yelled "YOU!! What are you doing here!? You came all the way to my office to follow me?!? I'm filing a police report on you immediately!!"

Taehyung angrily said "I don't care what you want!! And I'm here to submit some documents to the CEO!! And as far as I understand you're the CEO of this company! So I don't have much time so hurry up."

Taehyung hurriedly placed the document in his hand in front of Jeongguk's desk and Jeongguk opened it carefully and thought "He can make documents well but his speaking style is not good!!" Jeongguk looked at Taehyung and said "I'll deliver it later, you go!"

Taehyung was about to leave when Jeongguk stopped him and walked over to him and said "Try to stay away from my child, or no one will be worse than me!!" Taehyung is very angry at Jeongguk's words and behavior so he says "I'm not heartless like you, he'll push a small child away from me and I'll take care of your child when he comes to me, there's nothing you can do!!"

Taehyung turned to leave but Jeongguk grabbed his arm and pulled him close. And their faces were so close they could feel each other's hot breath. Jeongguk said "My child is not yours to possess!! So for the last time stay away from me and my child!!" Taehyung shoves Jeongguk away from him and says "I don't want people like you near me, I hate seeing you!!" Taehyung said that and left.

With Taehyung and Jimin

"Why is it so late?" Jimin asked Taehyung. Taehyung said, "The father of the child whose house I went to yesterday is the owner of this office!! Seeing me gave knowledge! Just looking at his face feels like slapping him!!" Jimin was looking at Taehyung in surprise.

"omo don't say that you messed with him!" Taehyung didn't show any expression at Jimin's words "OMG!! What if he fires you from your job?? So what about you?!" Jimin whispered. "It's okay I'll go to his house, and stay with him!!" Taehyung smirked.

"Don't say you're starting to like him!!" Jimin whispered again. "Absolutely not! But why are you whispering? We're out of the office!!" Taehyung said angrily. "Oh, sorry! I didn't even notice we were out of there!!" Jimin said with a quick laugh.

With Jeongguk

After Taehyung left, Yoongi entered the cabin and asked Jeongguk "Why are you standing here so weird?"  Jeongguk turned to look at Yoongi and said "Why is my heart racing??"  Yoongi asked confused “What?!”  Jeongguk said "My heart has been racing ever since that boy came near me."  "Why did you kiss him??"  Yoongi asked.  "Why should I kiss him?"  Jeongguk exclaimed.  "Then why did you say he came to you!!"  Yoongi said.  "You don't understand, leave!!" Jeongguk said with annoyance.

With Haneul school

With Haneul school

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Looking at Haneul, one of the students in his class said, "Here comes this boy who has no mother!!, we all have mothers but Haneul doesn't have a mother because we are all good boys but Haneul is a weak and bad boy

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Looking at Haneul, one of the students in his class said, "Here comes this boy who has no mother!!, we all have mothers but Haneul doesn't have a mother because we are all good boys but Haneul is a weak and bad boy."  The boy said this and started laughing loudly with his companions.

"One of them pushed Haneul and threw her.  And with Haneul in it, they circled around him and said "Haneul doesn't have a mother, his father doesn't love him because Haneul is a bad boy, not good like us!!"

Haneul sat there crying and mumbled "I have a mamma, my daddy loves me too!!"  And he started crying 'mamma mamma"

To be continued ❤️

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