come back

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It's been a month since they confessed their love.  Everything was going well between them and Yoongi and Jimin kept talking about getting them married.  Let's see what they want in their living room.

"When will you get married?!  It's been a month of your relationship!!" Jimin pouted. Jimin said a month in such a way that it felt like 10 years of their relationship. "Yes get married you two, I'm getting old, later I won't be able to see you two married!!” Yoongi said worriedly putting his hands on his head. Yoongi sounded like he was in his 80s.

Jeongguk and Taehyung were both blushing.  But just as Jeongguk was about to say something, he looked at Hani and saw Haneul looking at them with innocent eyes.

gguk smiled sweetly at his child "What's up baby?! Do you want to say something?!"  Haneul said innocently "Mamma, dada I bant a brwother or swister!!"  Jeongguk and his future wife looked at Haneul in surprise and asked "Who taught you that??"  Hani pointed straight at jimin and said "Minnie swaid if I bant a brwother or swister from you, you shwould you welding my dada!!"  Taehyung looked at Jimin's angry eyes and put Hani  in his lap and said "It's a wedding baby!!*

Jeongguk said angrily "Okay I'm getting married to Taehyung!! And that's in a week!"  Taehyung blushed with a sweet smile hearing Jeongguk's words.  Jimin did a little dance of joy and Yoongi smiled his famous smile.

Everyone was happily talking when suddenly a bodyguard came and said "Boss a woman is trying to force her way into the house!!"  Jeongguk said confusedly “Alright you bring her in!!”  Before Jeongguk could finish speaking a woman came running in screaming "Honey where are you?! Look your love is back!!"

Everyone was happily talking when suddenly a bodyguard came and said "Boss a woman is trying to force her way into the house!!"  Jeongguk said confusedly “Alright you bring her in!!”  Before Jeongguk could finish speaking a woman came running in s...

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Hwang Yeji

Taehyung was surprised to see the girl who looked very beautiful.  The girl threw her arms out to Jeongguk for a hug, Taehyung stood in front of Jeongguk raising an eyebrow and looked at Yeji "Who are you miss?! And who gave you permission to approach my future husband like that?!"

Haneul looked at him innocently and Yeji gave her a fake sweet smile and said "This is my child, I know this is mine and Jeongguk's child!!"  Yeji forcibly snatched him from Taehyung and went to the stranger, hani started crying in fear.

Jeongguk gets up and goes to take Haneul from Yeji's hand when Taehyung screams strangely "Give me my child now. Or I'll kill you!!"  Hearing Taehyung's strange voice makes everyone nervous.  Jimin walked over to Taehyung and told him "Please calm down!!"  Jimin looked at yeji and said "Give him the baby!!"  Jeongguk moves forward to take haneul but yeji backs away and says "It's my child I gave birth to him, so I have rights over him!!"  Taehyung cried "hani baby, come to mamma!!"  Haneul tried to come but Yeji held her down.  Taehyung grabs jimin's shoulder with trembling hands and suddenly faints.

And Haneul started crying very loudly after seeing his mother's condition.  Yoongi snatched Haneul from Yeji's hand.  "Taehyung!!"  Jeongguk ran to Taehyung and picked him up and carried him to the room.  Jimin immediately called the doctor and Yoongi took Haneul and followed Jeongguk because Haneul was crying so much.


"Let him sleep for a while!!" The doctor said and came out of the room after treating Taehyung. Haneul was sleeping next to Taehyung because he didn't want to leave his mother at all!! After the doctor came out of the room, Jeongguk worriedly said "What  done??  Why did he suddenly faint doctor?!" The doctor took a deep breath and said "He had a panic attack!!  As far as I can see this has happened a few times before!!”

Jimin said from the side "But it's been a year since he's had a panic attack!!"  The doctor said "I have prescribed some medicine for him and you will feed him!"  After saying this, the doctor left.  Jeongguk asked Jimin "Why is he like this?! Why didn't you guys tell me this before?!"  Jimin looked at him with tears in his eyes for a while and said "He's been like this ever since his child died, and today when Yeji was taking Haneul away he remembered his child again!! But he hasn't had a panic attack in a year!! Today  That's it for this incident!!"  Hearing this from Jimin, Jeongguk and Yoongi looked at him in surprise.


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