responsible Haneul / Family emotions

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It has been 1 month since the incident happened.  Today is Taehyung and Jeongguk's wedding, so they are very nervous.  And our little Haneul is very busy because his mamma and daddy are getting married today.

Haneul seems to have a lot of responsibility on his little shoulders because he has taken the responsibility of the wedding ceremony.  Let's see what our little Haneul has done. 

"Jiminie, it's not heappening.  Hani told you it'sh not mamma's fawvorite flowel, why dwid you plawnt it??" Haneul said with a big pout. And Jimim looked at him angrily and Yoongi smiled nervously. Because Haneul was sitting on Yoongi's shoulder ordering everyone.

The previous day, Haneul took a pen and paper and know everything from her mamma.  Don't worry, Haneul didn't write everything, Haneul gave it all to Yoongi and he asked his mamma.

Previous day

"MAMMA!! MAMMA !!" Haneul called out to his mamma from the living room.  "Yesh baby! Wait a minute I'll be right back!!"  Taehyung shouted from the kitchen.

10 mimint later

Taehyung approached his son with a sweet smile on his lips and said, "Tell me baby, what happened, why were you calling me?" "Mamma, you have some questions for Hani!!"  Haneul sat on his mamma's lap and asked the questions

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Taehyung approached his son with a sweet smile on his lips and said, "Tell me baby, what happened, why were you calling me?" "Mamma, you have some questions for Hani!!"  Haneul sat on his mamma's lap and asked the questions.

For example 1.  "Mamma whath kwind of flowels do you liwke??"  2.  "Mamma whath kiwnd of fowod do you liwke??"  3.  "Mamma whath kwind of wething (wedding)do you liwke??"  So many tough questions like this, that she can't articulate clearly and yoongi is helping her from the side!!

But Taehyung kept his smile under control and answered all the questions.

Taehyung is very happy today because he has a child and he has a lover.  His family will be complete tomorrow when he marries the man he loves!! This is what Taehyung wanted, not Taehyung but everyone in the world wants a happy family.  Family is the people who stay with him in happiness and sadness.


"I'm home!!"  Jeongguk shouted standing from the door and soon saw his family approaching him his love and his little Haneul.

After breaking the relationship with Yeji, he did not think that he would have a happy family, he did not think that he would be able to trust and love another person again and share happiness and sorrow with that person.

Before Taehyung came into her life, when she used to be late coming home from work, he would enter the house only to find darkness, no one was awake for him.  No one would ask him if he ate, only Yoongi would help him a little.

The thing is that he had no one in his life, during his relationship with Yeji, when he was working part-time, Yeji wouldn't even give him a glass of water when he came home tired at night.  He was so blinded by false love that he didn't know what was real and what was fake.

But after being in a relationship with Taehyung, Taehyung makes him understand what is real love and what is fake, Taehyung cares about everything, what he likes to eat, what he likes to wear, what words make him happy and what words hurt him, and he is jeongguk.  He loves his child more than his own child.  When he forgets to eat under the pressure of work, Taehyung scolds him and makes him eat.  Jeongguk is now completely dependent on Taehyung because of Taehyung's care for him.

Jeongguk looked at Taehyung with tears in his eyes but a peaceful smile on his lips

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Jeongguk looked at Taehyung with tears in his eyes but a peaceful smile on his lips.  Taehyung saw the tears in gguk's eyes and ran to him and worriedly asked "What happened gguk?? Why are you crying?? Are you okay?!"  Are you having trouble??" Jeongguk hugged Taehyung and said "I don't know what happened!  But I feel so happy" Taehyung understood the whole thing and started patting Jeongguk on the back and smiled sweetly "I'm so happy too!!" There was a comfortable silence for a while.

After some time they said together "I never thought that after you came into my life my life will be full of happiness!"

They looked at each other and burst into laughter.  Jeongguk wiped the water from his nose on Taehyung's sleeve.  Taehyung looked at him in disgust and smacked him on the head "I take back my word!!"  Jeongguk dropped his office bag there and shook his head "Really?!"

"Aghhhhh!! no gguk !!"  Taehyung ran away and Jeongguk followed behind him saying "Hold on once I catch you, then I'll show you what I'll do!!"

"Jeongguk was holding Taehyung and tickling him when suddenly haneul came and started tickling Jeongguk and yelled "Let go of Hani's mamma!!"  And Taehyung sees that and joins Haneul and says "Who will save you now ggukie!?"  "Nooooooo. Hahahahaha, I'm wrong, please forgive me!!"  Jeongguk said with a laughing.

At the door, Jimin and Yoongi had a peaceful smile on their faces too, as they too thought they had succeeded in helping their friends to be happy.    Yoongi looked at jimin and said "If their marriage is consummated I will marry you too!!"  Hearing Yoongi's words like that suddenly made Jimin's cheeks turn red and Jimin slapped Yoongi's chest and shyly said, "Who says these things suddenly??"

Yoongi smiled and said "I'm like that!!"  And gave Jimin a kiss on the head and said "I love you!!"  Jimin also shyly said "I love you too!!"  And Yoongi pressed his lips to Jimin's and they were about to kiss when he heard "Mamma, Yoon uwncle, kwissing jiminie lwike you thwo do!!" .... 

To be continued ❤️ don't forget to comment ❤️🫶🏻

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