Only mine / only yours

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Jeongguk and Yoongi looked at Jimin with sad eyes. And Jeongguk said "I promise you I will never let Taehyung separate from me, and never let a tear form his eyes!!" Jimin smiled tearfully at Jeongguk "I trust you!!"

Before Yoongi could say anything, a cry came from above and ran over the three of them. Jeongguk went upstairs to see Haneul and Taehyung both crying!

Jeongguk walked up to Haneul and asked "Baby why are you crying??" Hani looked at her father with tear filled eyes and said "Hani's mamma is crying so Hani is crying too!!" Jimin laughed at her "Why are you crying?? You ask your mamma why your mamma is crying?!"

Haneul sat on Taehyung's lap as Jimin said, wiping the tears from Taehyung's eyes, "Mamma why ale you crwying?! Dith hani do swomething wlong?! Ale you clying bewcawuse of Hani's fawult?!" (Haneul sat on Taehyung's lap as Jimin said, wiping the tears from Taehyung's eyes, "Mamma why are you crying?! Did hani do something wrong?! Are you crying because of Hani's fault?!")

Hearing Haneul's sweet and comforting words, Taehyung began to cry even harder. Haneul got scared and hugged his mamma and started crying with him.

Jeongguk, jimin and Yoongi smiled at the cuteness of the two. Jeongguk sat next to Taehyung and said "Why are you crying love?!" Taehyung looked at Jeongguk with teary eyes and said "Hani baby?!" Jeongguk realizes his love and says "he's your child, you have more rights to him than I do!"

Haneul rubbed his head against Taehyung's chest and said "Mamma!!" Taehyung smiled sweetly and hugged him "yes baby, I'm your mamma, the only mamma!!" Haneul cutely smile and say "yeah you'le only Hani's mamma only Hani's!!"

Jeongguk hugged Haneul and Taehyung, and Yoongi and Jimin hugged each other unconsciously. There was a whole family moment. But suddenly Haneul said something like that, everyone except Jimin hesitated.

"Mamma, Hani wants to dlink youl milkw!! You cwan't resisth hani towday!!" Hani said as he buried his head into Taehyung's soft mound.

Jeongguk's cheeks turned red after hearing that

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Jeongguk's cheeks turned red after hearing that. Jeongguk gave a little fake cough "we're coming now you and hani rest!!" Yoongi walked out with Jeongguk, Jimin smirked at Taehyung "Tell me later how did it feel to hear your son say that in front of Jeongguk??"

 Jeongguk gave a little fake cough "we're coming now you and hani rest!!" Yoongi walked out with Jeongguk, Jimin smirked at Taehyung "Tell me later how did it feel to hear your son say that in front of Jeongguk??"

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After Jimin ran away, Taehyung smiled sweetly and placed a kiss on Haneul's head, and said "Do you have to drink??" Haneul looked at her mamma and said "yes mamma, hani wants to drink!!"

"Aww baby, don't pout!! I agree to whatever my hani baby wants!!" Taehyung opened three buttons of his shirt after saying that, Haneul looked at his mamma and gave a sweet cute smile and started sucking his mamma's nipple with puffy cheeks

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"Aww baby, don't pout!! I agree to whatever my hani baby wants!!" Taehyung opened three buttons of his shirt after saying that, Haneul looked at his mamma and gave a sweet cute smile and started sucking his mamma's nipple with puffy cheeks.

Taehyung wrapped Haneul in a blanket and lay down.

15 minutes later

Taehyung suddenly heard a soft door opening, he knew who could come into the room now so he lay down silently.

Two seconds later Taehyung heard a whisper "I love you so much, I know you love me and my son so much. Don't worry, no one can take your son away from you, and our hani baby will never accept anyone as mamma except you !!" Jeongguk whispered the words into Taehyung's ear and placed a kiss on his forehead.

Taehyung saw Haneul falling asleep nursing his milk, he gently pulled Haneul off him and kissed his forehead whispering "Mamma loves Hani so much!!"Haneul said with a sweet smile even in his sleep "Mamma!!"

Taehyung turned to Jeongguk and seeing Taehyung turn to him, Jeongguk wrapped his arms around his love's waist and held him close.

Taehyung forgot to button his shirt and his soft mounds bumped against Jeongguk's hard chest. Jeongguk looked down lightly and gave a sweet smirk "Can I taste this soft stuff too?!" He gently kissed Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung couldn't help himself and placed his hand on Jeongguk's shoulder and started kissing him.
"mm~mmmm!!" After a moment of Taehyung moaning, Jeongguk broke the kiss and looked at Taehyung innocently, "Mommy you won't let me drink your milk!??




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