Mamma's Baby

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Haneul started to cry very loudly, and pushed everyone and ran out!! He came straight out of the school.
And straight down to the middle of the main road, there were many cars passing by. Haneul got very scared and started crying more. And he had a bag.

A woman saw him on the road and carried him away. He brought her to the side of the road and asked her "Baby what are you doing alone on the road?!" Haneul was crying without saying anything "Mamma!! Mamma!! I'll go to mamma!"

The woman took out her notebook from Haneul's bag and looked for a phone number. And there were two phone numbers and he called his first one but no one picked up after ringing for a long time!! The woman asked Haneul again "What's your name baby?!" Haneul cried "Jeon Haneul!"

When I called the next number, someone picked up the phone after it rang twice. And the woman quickly asked "Are you Haneul's parents??" A worried voice replied from the other side "Why did something happen?!" The woman angrily said, "Your son has been crying here for a long time, and he was standing in the middle of the road! How could you parents leave your little boy alone on the road, if there was an accident?!"

The man on the other end said "Thank you so much for keeping my son safe, send me the location, I'm on my way!!"

With Taehyung

Taehyung and Jimin were standing in the street eating ice cream. Suddenly a call came on his phone. And said over the phone that Haneul was seen in the middle of the road and he was crying a lot. Taehyung was very worried and told jimin "Jimin you go home I'll be right back!!" Taehyung walked out before Jimin could say anything.

Taehyung reached where the woman asked to come. Went and saw a woman sitting at the bus stand with Haneul and trying to stop Haneul from crying!!Taehyung walked up to them and Haneul saw Taehyung "Mamma!! Mamma!" He started crying again.

Taehyung thanked the woman many times before heading home with Haneul.And sitting in the taxi, Taehyung asked Haneul "Baby what are you doing here at this time?!" Haneul who had been keeping his head down for so long now raised his head and said "I ran away from school!!"

Taehyung was surprised to hear that and asked "Why??" Haneul said "The tudents thwere a~nnoy me so much, they pwushed me twoday!!" Taehyung let out a loud breath "did you eat something baby??" Haneul shook his head "Nwo mamma!!"

In Taehyung hotel room

Jimin asked Taehyung in surprise "Where did you get that from??"Taehyung told Jimin "I was sitting on the side of the road crying, a woman called me!!" Taehyung looked at Haneul and said "Go with Jimin and wash your hands and face!!" Looking at Jimin again, "Go get him!!" Jimin said to Haneul "Come with me!!"

Jimin asked Taehyung in surprise "Where did you get that from??"Taehyung told Jimin "I was sitting on the side of the road crying, a woman called me!!" Taehyung looked at Haneul and said "Go with Jimin and wash your hands and face!!"  Looking at J...

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"For my baby the food he likes!!"  Taehyung brought a glass of banana milk and a plate of food in front of Haneul

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"For my baby the food he likes!!" Taehyung brought a glass of banana milk and a plate of food in front of Haneul.Jimin looked at Taehyung and said "You've never cooked a meal so beautifully for me?!" Haneul pointed his tongue at jimin and said "My mamma loves me more! Because I'm mamma's baby!!"


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