Again Meet

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While Jeongguk was doing some work in the office, his phone received a call from Haneul's school.  And there reported that Haneul could not be found in the school.  Jeongguk is very worried when he hears and calls Yoongi and tells him about it. Yoongi came over to Jeongguk and said "Don't worry too much! Just keep your cool and think about how we can get Haneul home!!"

Jeongguk yelled "How can I cool myself down?! My son can't be found!! The times and people are no good!! If something happens to my son, I won't spare anyone!!"Exactly 10 to 15 minutes after this incident, Jeongguk's phone received a call from an unknown number.  Without thinking, Jeongguk picked up the phone and heard a happy voice from the other side of the phone.

"Dada !!  You cwome to me light away I am with Mommy and Mommy has twaken good cware of Haneul and pwlayed with me for a long time and fwed me very licely!!”(Dad!!  You come to me right away I am with Mommy and Mommy has taken good care of Haneul and played with me for a long time and fed me very nicely!!”)   Haneul said very happily.

Jeongguk was so angry hearing Haneul's words that his whole face turned red, and it seemed like hot smoke was coming out of his ears.
Yoongi realized the whole thing and said "Jeongguk think about it he's your child, don't say anything to hurt him!!"

Jeongguk went to get Haneul from Taehyung.  Entering Taehyung's room Jeongguk saw Haneul sitting on Taehyung's lap and Taehyung telling him a story.  And Jimin is sitting next to him and listening.
Jeongguk said in the coldest voice "Haneul!!"  Hearing Jeongguk's cold tone, Haneul got scared and hugged Taehyung, because Haneul realized that his Dada was very angry!

Taehyung heard Jeongguk's tone and told him sternly "Don't use that tone. There's a kid here he might get scared!!"Jeongguk looked at Taehyung and said "I don't want you to know what kind of tone I should or shouldn't use with my son!!" Jeongguk looked at Haneul and said "Haneul you come here!"  Haneul walks up to Jeongguk in fear and suddenly Jeongguk hugs her and says "Where did you go, for a moment I thought I couldn't live without you!! Tell me where you go next time!!"

Jeongguk was leaving with Haneul when Haneul said "Dada, twake mamma with us, I won't be withowut mamma!! And also twake mamma's lwittle fwriend with us, he's so punny!!"(Jeongguk was leaving with Haneul when Haneul said "Dada, take mamma with us, I won't be without mamma!! And also take mamma's little friend with us, he's so funny!!") Jimin said from the side "I'm short, or you?" Hearing Jimin's words, Haneul burst into laughter.

Jeongguk was leaving with Haneul when Haneul said "Dada, twake mamma with us, I won't be withowut mamma!! And also twake mamma's lwittle fwriend with us, he's so punny!!"(Jeongguk was leaving with Haneul when Haneul said "Dada, take mamma with us,...

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Taehyung said from the side "Baby I'm going to my house today, I won't see you anymore because my house is so far from here!!"  As soon as Taehyung spoke, Haneul's eyes began to shed thick tears.  And he forced himself from his father's arms into Taehyung's arms and hugged Taehyung and said "Hani won't go awny whele withot his mamma, Hani bill stway with his mamma at mamma's housh!!"
("Hani won't go anywhere without his mamma, Hani will stay with his mamma at mamma's house!!")

Jeongguk tries to convince Haneul many times but she refuses to leave Taehyung and go anywhere.  So he forced himself to call someone and as soon as he said something, Taehyung's phone got a call saying that he and Jimin had been transferred to the Seoul branch. Taehyung looked at Jeongguk angrily and said "What did you do? Why did you do it? Now where are we going to live?! We don't have a room in Seoul, are we going to stay in this hotel room for the rest of our lives?!"

Jeongguk gave a little fake cough "Until you get a house, we'll be staying in the guest room at the mansion, and my son will be less of a mamma mamma, living with you and realizing when you're not his mamma!!"Jeongguk teased the last word. But Haneul was very happy among them, he thought that his mamma would be with him.


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