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All contestants were brought to their own room the very same day after a long tour of the station.

They didn't get much time to get used to their new surrounding as they were each called into seperated rooms for their very first mission right the next morning.

"I'm so nervous.."Gempa's hands trembled with nervousity as he tried his best to control it.

"Are you gonna stand there and stare at the door until it gets a hole in it?"A cherrful voice said.

"H-huh?"He turned around and found a pair of sapphire blue eyes looking at him.

"Hello!"The boy greeted with a wide grin. "My name's Taufan, what's yours?"

"My name is Gempa"He replied, his stiffened shoulder slightly relaxing from Taufan's smile.

They both entered the room and was welcomed by a familiar voice. "Gem!"Thorn exclaimed, clearly relieved to see him as he quickly rushed to his side.

"Good morning Thorn,"He smiled at his friend and couldn't help but notice his nervousness.

His golden eyes wandered across the room and was met by a pair of crimson red ones.

"Hello.."Gempa greeted, voice slightly quieter as their gaze made a shiver run down his spine.

"Ugh.. not you,"Taufan muttered, his smile now replaced by an annoyed frown.

"Tch."The person didn't bother to reply and simply looked away, arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Um.."Gempa akwardly looked between them and could feel something bad about to happen.

"Good morning,"Another person entered. Their silver eyes traveled through the room and examined each of them before taking a seat.

Gempa couldn't help but feel nervous in their presence. The one standing in the corner is Halilintar, a famous contestants and praised for his combat ability, along with the control of his power. He is known to be ruthless to his enemy and cold to his teammates, not taking orders from anyone.

While on the opposite side of the room sat Solar, a genius amongst the contestants. He is good in everything and easily aced every examination. Although no one knew why he had repeated the semester for a second time.

Before anyone could say anything, a hologram appeared in the middle of the room and they quickly rushed to stand in front of it and saluted.

"Good morning. I'm sure that you're wondering what your mission will be and why you're all here,"Kokoci said with Laksamana Tarung beside him. He examined them all and his calm gaze soon turned to confusion. "Hm.. someone's missing."

As if on cue, someone barged into the room, kicking the door open as they entered. "Sorry I'm late!"A very loud voice said while another cursed under their breath about being too tired and more.

"Blaze" Laksamana Tarung said with a look of disapprovement and annoyence.

There stood Blaze with his twin Ice beside him. Despite his potential he is known to be a troublemaker who was banned to visit the acedemy for a year before he was forced to repeat his semester. Other than being a troublemaker, he is known for his short temper that had caused him to be banned in the first place. According to rumors he had picked a fight with someone and almost got them seriously injured had the teachers not intervened.

His twin however, was the complete opposite of him. He was one of the few that managed to get accepted first try and was even offered to shorten his semester due to his talents. He later on refused and went back home, only to return a year later with his twin and easily aced the examination.

"What's up Laksamana!"Blaze flashed a cheeky smile.

"Behave" He reminded.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever~"He calmly stepped closer as his twin followed. "You're still as grim as ever~"

The said commander only sighed in annoyence but ignored his taunt and let Kokoci continue.

"Anyways,"He cleared his throat. "Get to know each other because from now on you will be a team."He broke the news and the chaos unfold.

"A team!? But I told you that I only want to work with Icy!!"Blaze whined.

"A team.."Thorn mumbled to himself, eyes wide in both horror and anticipation.

"Can I please switch team?"Taufan said almost immediately while pointing at Halilintar who didn't seem as happy either. "I can't work with him!"

Ice stayed quiet and simply shook his head. Solar didn't say anything either, but it was clear that he wasn't pleased with it from the frown on his face. Gempa could only watch in disbelief.

This was his team? They clearly don't get along! How will he work with a team that doesn't even like each other?

"Decisions have been made and you'll accept it whether you like it or not!"Laksamana's harsh voice cut through the chaos, silencing everyone.

Kokoci once again cleared his throat and spoke into the now tense silence. "Please understand that we have our reasons to put you in one team."His voice sounded firm. "We believe that you will be able to bring the best out of each other with Gempa as your leader."


Then everyone turned to Gempa, clearly surprised with the news. "Wha- why am I the leader??"Gempa asked in confusion.

He was far below the level of his teammates. How can someone like him be their leader? He can barely take care of himself! Let alone lead a group!

"From our observation you are the most fitting to be a leader."Kokoci replied, but that didn't really make his confusion go away.

With gazes fixated on him, he felt the weight on his shoulder turns heavier each seconds.

It was hard enough to even get accepted as a Tapops member and now all of a sudden he has to lead a team?? He literally needed three tries to even get accepted! If he failed his team... that means all of them will fail.

And he will be the one to blame.

A Leader's DutyWhere stories live. Discover now