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The next day, just as Taufan thought that they weren't on bad term anymore, Halilintar once again pushed him away.

"Why won't you admit that you do recognize me??"Taufan asked again, wanting the answer to it no matter what. He held the question back yesterday since Halilintar just woke up, but seeing him act all cold today to him again made him ask it.

"Leave."Halilintar simply said, not even looking Taufan in the eyes.

He clenched his fists. "Do you think being all cold like this is cool?"He asked angrily. "It's not!" Tears formed in his eyes as he mumbled. "It's really not.."

Halilintar pressed his lips into a thin line upon hearing the pain in Taufan's voice, yet he still refrained himself from turning around. "Leave", he repeated.

"Fine, if that's what you want. I'll leave",Taufan said as he left the room. Both of them knew that 'leave' didn't only mean leaving the room..

"Hey Halilintar",Gempa said as he entered the tent with a plate of food in his hands. It's lunch time. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine.."He mumbled, not wanting to look at Gempa.

Gempa's eyes filled with worry and pity seeing him like this. Blaze and Thorn had also visited him earlier while bringing him his breakfast and trying to cheer him up, but sadly it didn't work.

"You know,"Gempa placed the plate on the table beside the bed. "You can talk to me if there's something bothering you."

Silent. Then Halilintar spoke again:"No need."

His worry only grew with Halilintar's refusal. Everyone that saw his state would immediately know that there's something wrong and yet, he still refuses any help.

"It's not healthy,"Gempa said, making Halilintar take a sharp breath. He knows.

"Please.."His voice soft as he spoke. "I know we don't know each other for that long, neither are we necessarily close, but please let me help you."

Again, another moment of silent. "It will only get worse if you keep bottling it up." That made the latter flinch. "You're not alone Halilintar."

Hearing his last sentence, Halilintar's eyes became heavy. It hurts. It hurts like hell. He wanted to say. I don't know what to do. He wanted to cry.

Sensing the shift in Halilintar's mood, Gempa gently placed his hand on Halilintar's shoulder and spoke calmly:"You can tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone else."

That was it, Halilintar's wall crumbled as he couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want to bear it any longer. It hurts. He wanted his friend back.

"I.."Halilintar hesitated, so Gempa patted his shoulder and sat beside him to reassure him to continue. "I don't know what's real anymore.."

"What do you mean?"Gempa asked carefully.

"I thought.."He took a sharp breath. "I thought Taufan was dead.."

Gempa sighed softly. "He's not injured. It was all a show."

Halilintar shook his head. "No, not that."

That confused the latter. "What do you mean?"

"Back then.."Halilintar gulped, not wanting to remember that memory. "I was fighting in war in planet Saruntar."

Gempa's eyes widen upon hearing that. "The war in planet Saruntar...?"He said, not believing his ears.

Planet Saruntar was never a peaceful place. It was one of the planet with the most criminal records. However, seven years ago a war took place in that planet. Many died, some escaped while some were turned into slaves. It was one of most cruelsome war in history.

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