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Despite being upset at Halilintar, Taufan just couldn't stay away, especially knowing there was something wrong with his old friend. So he went to his tent to sneak a piece of strawberry candy---Halilintar's faviurite---into the table, but he didn't expect to hear the truth behind Halilintar's actions.

Was it wrong to eavesdrop? Definitely. Did he regret it? No. Not the eavesdropping part, but he surely feels guilty for all the trouble he caused Halilintar.

Since the day Halilintar 'didn't recognize' him, Taufan made it his goal to bother Halilintar as 'revenge'. And now that he finally knows the reason why...

He heard footsteps coming from inside the tent, so Taufan quickly flew up and climbed onto the trees, hiding behind leaves.

Gempa walked out of the tent with a grim expression that Taufan can understand before he went to his own tent.

"Pfew,"Taufan sighed in relief. "What now..?" He contemplated what he should do and how it will go on with Halilintar. "Hmm.."

That night, Halilintar stared at his watch. A week from now would've been Taufan 'death annivesary' and usually Halilintar would've gone to 'Taufan's grave' in planet Saruntar, but now... He wasn't sure whether he should really go.

"You should talk with Taufan." Was Gempa's advice and for once, he actually considered doing it. Just... not now.

"Hey,"Taufan peeked through the tent's door. "Can I come in?"

Starled, Halilintar stared at him. Don't push him away. Was another advice from Gempa.

And so, he nodded in agreement despite his discomfort. Taufan smiled and sat on the chair beside the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine.."He mumbled.

Taufan's smile dissappeared, knowing Halilintar was lying. "Ne Hali.."

The latter flinched upon hearing the familiarity of the past, but he stayed quiet.

"How about we start from anew?"Taufan asked which surprised him.

Halilintar looked at him suspiciously. "Why so sudden?"He asked.

Hearing the awaited question, Taufan guiltily looked away. "Erm... I may or may have not eavesdropped earlier..."

That made the latter frown as he had never planned to tell Taufan about it. He knew his friend, and he also knows that his friend would feel guilty. Which was something that he wanted to avoid doing.

"It was wrong of me to do, I know and I'm really sorry.."Taufan said honestly. "Can you forgive lily?"

Upon hearing his old nickname that Taufan used to tease him with, Halilintar eyed the latter blankly. Really now?

Taufan giggled. "So, do you agree on starting anew?"

Halilintar hesitated which worried him, but he soon nodded in agreement. The latter smiled brightly at him. I'll make it up to you I promise.

And so, the next day Taufan turned 180° towards Halilintar. "Are my eyes playing tricks on me or did Taufan just gave Halilintar a bag of cookies??"Blaze asked.

Gempa chuckled and shook his head. "Nope, it's definitely happening."

"Bruh, so they're friends now??"Blaze asked in disbelief.

"It seems so,"Gempa replied. He assumed that the two of them had talked it out and hoped that their friendship will return to the way it was.

"Cool, I guess.."Blaze mumbled, still not believing it.

"Morning!"Taufan greeted happily as he walked up to them while pulling Halilintar along with him.

"Morning.."Blaze eyed him suspiciously to which Taufan just akwardly smile. I know dude. It's crazy.

"One less bickering,"Ice commented and munched a cookie Halilintar had kindly shared with him.

"Hehe,"Taufan akwardly laughed, knowing he was the one that kept angering Halilintar.

Gempa smiled upon seeing the nice atmosphere. At last, they did grow closer by a little.

"Morning kids!"Probe greeted happily with Adudu, Thorn and Solar beside him.

"Morning!"Taufan was the most excited at seeing the purple robot as the others still had their doubts. "Thanks for helping me bake the cookies by the way."

"No problem!"Probe replied cheerfully.

"So that's why you woke me up for in the early morning?"Adudu deadpanned. His partner had shook him awake early in the morning to ask him for money to buy something he didn't care to listen cause obviously it was way too early for him to care.

"Hehe, sorry incik boss,"Probe slowly hid behind Taufan, not wanting to be hit for the who knows how many times today.

Adudu rolled his eyes before turning to the group. "Anyways, I talked with the commanders earlier and they said you guys will just continue the training."

"But we failed..?"Thorn mumbled.

"Incik Boss didn't tell them since he pi-"A flying cup came flying straight to his head which made the poor robot wince in pain. "Ouch!"

Everyone sweatdropped at their interaction and they all had the same question in mind. Where did the cup came from?

"As I was saying,"Adudu continued like nothing happened. "You will be continuing your training here and I will be watching and making notes. If you need something tell Probe."

"But the commander said you were in cha-"Another cup flew towards him. "Adeh! Huhu, okay incik boss.."

"Any questions?"Adudu looked around the group and nodded when no one raised their hands. "Good, now go do whatever training you want." In the meantime I will take my sweet time to relax~ He grinned at the thought of relaxing instead of doing his job.

"So, does anyone have a suggestion?"Gempa asked as they ate breakfast together as a group while their two supervisor went into their spaceship.

"How about we play a game? You know, have some fun after the stress?"Blaze suggested.

"We are here to train,"Solar reminded.

"Not exactly,"Ice pointed out. "They sent us here to improve our team skill."

Blaze nodded. "And a game is just as good as training to improve it!"

They all glanced at each other, thinking about it and in the end everyone nodded in agreement.

"A game is it then!"Blaze smiled brightly. "It will be a lot of fun!"

Now time for some bonding :D

Hope you enjoyed ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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