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It was hard to walk, much less run after getting shot. Even if he had healed his injury, Thorn could still feel the pain. But he didn't want to be a burden and forces himself to move.

With a flick of Ice's finger a trail of ice appeared underneath them, almost causing Thorn to fall had he not catch him.

"We can walk faster this way,"Ice said to Solar who had gave him a questioning look. "The ice will dissappear the moment we're not over it so no need to worry about leaving traces."

"I see,"Solar replied in a monotone voice.

The two of them were still on bad term, but atleast they weren't fighting anymore and stayed civil with each other.

"Hold on,"Ice said firmly, though he didn't need to say that as Thorn was already clinging to him, afraid to slip off the ice.

"There you guys are! Took you long enough!"Blaze said.

Solar rolled his eyes. "We were further away."

He shrugged and simply ran to his twin, tackeling him to a bear hug. "I miss you Icy!!"

"Yeah, yeah,"Ice didn't move, letting Blaze hug him until he had enough.

In the background Gempa could be seen to sigh in relief. Thorn's injury was indeed healed and none of them were injured. The fights also seemed to stop on the way here, another huge problem gone. What a relief!

"So, where's the power sphere??"Taufan asked with curiosity.

"According to our info it's being guarded in that building,"Solar gestured at a huge building filled with guards.

"We have to go there?" Taufan gulped, clearly unsure whether it was a good idea or not.


"We will be entering from the backdoor,"Solar cut Gempa off once again. "Ice and Halilintar will sneak inside while I hack into the security. In the meantime Gempa, Thorn and Taufan will make sure no guards can disturb me."

"What about me??"Blaze asked.

A sigh of annoyence was heard from him, but he quickly spoke before Blaze could rage and be offended from it. "You stay with Gempa us and watch for further guards."

"Alright!"Blaze chirped, the answer being good enough to distract his quick rising anger.

Although he succeeded to calm Blaze, his twin was not calm and offended by his him for his twin. But this time he decided to stay civil, not wanting to lose his cool once again and start another fight. Too useless and energy consuming for him.

Then, they moved as planned. Solar easily hacked into the security system, giving Halilintar and Ice opportunity to enter unnoticed while the rest make sure that no guards find them.

"Is it just me or does Solar keep taking the lead?"Taufan thought out loud. "I'm not accusing him or so, it just feel like it."

"Nah, you're right! Gempa is always cut off!"Blaze agreed and looked at the said person. "Don't you feel offended?"He asked while gesturing at Solar who was too focused on keeping the cameras distracted to something other than their teammates to even notice their conversation.

"No, I'm not. I'm sure he didn't mean it in a mean way,"Gempa smiled, yet he couldn't help but feel a little hurt. He isn't a good leader he knows that. Solar was simply helping him and actually working with the team. But at the same time it kinda hurts that Solar didn't trust him enough to let him even suggest anything.

"If I were you then I would've yelled my opinion loudly!"Blaze huffed while the other three just sweatdropped at how believeable it was for Blaze to do so.

"I don't mind,"Gempa half-lied. "Atleast we're working as a team and that is all that counts."

"I guess.."Blaze mumbled.

"Um.. guys..?"Thorn pointed at a group of guards with one of them calling for back up.

"Uh oh,"Taufan said and got into a fighting stance.

"Hehe, just come fools!"Blaze summoned countless of fireballs and threw it at them.

"Blaze wait-"Gempa was too late and the fireballs hit the enemy. They fell unconscious, but it was loud enough to alarm the whole building.

"Opps?"Blaze innocently smile.

"Run!!"Taufan yelled.

"Tch-! Halilintar! Ice! Get the power sphere and leave!"Solar ordered before cutting their signal and running away with the others.

"It must've been Blaze,"Ice sighed. "That damn idiot!"

"Intruders!"A guard yelled with more guards running and pointing their guns at them.

A red flash travelled through the hallway within seconds, knocking them all out before revealing Halilintar who was gesturing Ice to follow him.

"Less work for me it seems,"Ice thought and let himself glide over the ice path he created to keep up with Halilintar.

Loud signals echoed through the building as seas of guards kept attacking them.

"There it is!"Ice pointed at a power sphere in stand by mode.

His teammate nodded and sweeped into the other side of the room, cutting the wires that were attached to it and jumped out of the window.

"Ice explosion!" Snow suddenly covered the whole room which caused the enemy to shiver while Ice easily followed Halilintar.

"Hm?"Ice looked at the hand on his arm and before he knew it, he was dragged through the neighbourhoods within seconds.

"Here!"Thorn little voice could be heard calling out for them before he dodged a wind currents with fire in it. "eek!"

"Sorry!"Taufan yelled through the fight, not being able to fight properly as Blaze's fire kept entering his wind.

Without needing any explaination Halilintar and Ice joined the battle, knowing out guards after guards easily.

"They're weak, but.."Solar's light moved in a 90° angle and sent a sea of guards flying meters away from him. "There are too many of them!"

Countless of ice arrows were shots towards the enemy, but before they could hit them, it flew somewhere else instead.

At the same time Thorn was fighting back the enemy as good as possible when he suddenly saw arrows flying in his direction.

"Uh oh-"He managed to dodge those flying at his head, but some still hit his legs which caused him to freeze in place. "Huaa!! Help me!!"He panicked.

"Thorn!"Blaze rushed to his aid and summoned fire to melt him.

"I'm so sorry Thorn!!"Taufan yelled across the road that was now a battlefield. "I didn't see the arrows coming!"

"It's-"Thorn stopped when he smelled something burning and looked down only to find his summoned plant in fire.

"Not again!"Blaze scoffed while Thorn teared up for his dear plant, not even caring that he was now surrounded in fire.

"Oh no.. everything is going downhill..!"Gempa thought, fear filling his golden eyes. "What do I do??"

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

Also thanks to Ocean_sappire for helping me get ideas for the mission! :)

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