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"Are you okay?"Taufan asked with worry in his tone. He didn't fail to notice Gempa's lack of emotion on their way back to their dorms after they were dropped off by the backup team.

"Mhm, I'm fine just a bit tired,"He gestured at his legs.

"Right.."Taufan streched his arms with a groan. "I could use some rest too."

"Then, see you tomorrow at the training hall!"Taufan waved goodbye before turning left where his dorm was.

The latter simply waved back and went to his own dorm with his smile slowly dissappearing with each further distance.

"What am I gonna do now..?"He sighed and let himself fall on his bed, wondering what to do and say when he meets their commanders tomorrow to give the result of their mission. "They will definitely be dissappointed.."

Negative thoughts filled his mind, keeping him awake for hours until he decided to go to the training room to let out his mind.

A sound of woods clashing with each other was heard from the training ground which surprised the sleepless boy.

"Is someone else awake?"Gempa poked his head through the big metal door and saw Halilintar training with a wooden sword. "Eh??"

He could barely see his movements as he travelled from one place to the other with lighting speed, hitting the dummy perfectly with each swing, meeting each vital point of a person imitated into the wooden dummy.

"Woah.."Gempa let out in awe. He could barely use his power for more than one hour once at a time, yet there was Halilintar using his power in every move as if it didn't drain his energy at all.

Just then a lighting sword came flying right at him, piercing the metal just an inch away from his head. "Oh, it's you,"Halilintar said almost to himself while Gempa was frozen in place.

"You're still awake..?"Gempa managed to let out after a second of being frozen.

"Mhm,"He hummed in respond, crimson red eyes now focused back on the dummy while the lighting sword magically dissappeared.

"Aren't you tired?"Gempa asked, feeling akward as they were the only person in the training ground.

"No,"He shortly replied, his focus never leaving the dummy.

"I see.."Gempa couldn't help but stare. He must have perfect control of his power to be able to use it in a large timespan over and over again with ease. Even the precise speed to not miss his opponent by going too fast and too far was impressive! If only he was as good as him. Even half as good as was enough..

"Why are you still awake?"Halilintar suddenly spoke after stopping to drink water.

It surprised Gempa, but it was a welcomed surprise. Halilintar was finally willing to talk to him! "I couldn't sleep."

"Mhm,"He nodded and seemed like he wanted to say something but decided otherwise.

Of course Gempa didn't fail to see his hesitation and wondered himself whether he should ask or not. "Did.. you want to say something else?"

His crimson eyes now locked with golden ones, looking as if he could see right through him. "You should stop worrying so much,"He then said.

That took him completely by surprise, not expecting Halilintar to say that or even care enough to notice. He has been so distant with everyone, but it seems that he wasn't ignoring them either.

"Is it that obvious?"Gempa laughed akwardly to ease the akward atmosphere between them.

His attempt didn't work at all as the latter looked at him with such seriousness he felt like being interrogated for a crime. "Very."

With his confirmation Gempa lowered his head, feeling even worse knowing how obvious it had been. First he can't even lead his team properly and now he can't even keep his own emotion in check? How much worse can he fail as a leader?

"You're doing it again,"Halilintar bluntly said. His focus was now completely on him.

"I am?"Gempa asked in confusion.

He nodded and gestured at his hands. "You clench it whenever you're in distress." Then at his lips. "You also press it into a thin line."

"Oh.." How come he never noticed it? "It seems so.."

A long pause before Halilintar grabbed his wooden sword once again and positioned himself to train. "Didn't you come to train?"

Once again Gempa was surprised by the person he thought was cold and didn't care about everyone else. "Not really.."He admitted.

Without further talking Halilintar nodded and continued his training while Gempa watched him.

For the first time ever since he knew him, Gempa didn't feel intimidated by his presence and was even... comforted? He wasn't sure. But what he does know is that Halilintar was finally opening up to him, even if just a little.

Minutes went by with him watching and Halilintar training until he decided to train himself.

"Um.."Gempa hesitated. "How do you have such good control of your power?"

That caught Halilintar's attention as he stopped in his track to look at him. "Training."

"Yes, but.."Gempa tried to find the right words, but it seems that Halilintar already understood what he meant.

"Try meditation,"Halilintar suggested.

Once again Gempa was surprised by him and couldn't help but smile which also confused the latter. "No, no, sorry,"He chuckled. "It's just that I didn't expect you to say that. Or do any of this to be honest."

Halilintar shrugged. "I hear that a lot."

And finally, the akward atmosphere between them completely dissappeared and replaced with hope that perhaps this team could really work. Steps by steps.

"Then,"Gempa flashed him a genuine smile. "Could you please teach me?"

This time Gempa wasn't surprised when Halilintar agreed and was instead even more happier. Perhaps his attempt to get closer to him earlier indeed worked? But just a bit late? Whatever it was, he was more than glad for this progress.

Tsundere Hali is finally opening up XD

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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