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"What do we do leader? "Solar stressed the word 'leader' and practically glared at Gempa with his frown.

"Um.."He looked around, sweat dripping down his forehead.

After the two commanders told them about their mission that will take place a week from now. They went to the training ground as instructed to train together and get used to each other. Everything was still fine when they introduced themselves to each other despite the tense atmosphere, but then it went downhill the moment they started training.

Blaze freely used his power and trained with his twin without any problem until he accidentally burned Thorn's leaves, making him scared and even cry. Now he was doing his best to calm him down but to no avail.

Halilintar and Taufan didn't even talk nor look at each other as expected, but the moment they did, it escalated to a huge argument.

Ice didn't bother help his twin nor give any reaction to the chaos and simply took a nap in an empty corner while his twin yelled at him, demanding his help.

Solar, despite being civil with everyone, didn't seem to like anyone and less likely Gempa. For some reason he has been his staring target the moment he was announced leader.

"Well.."He hesitated, hands becoming sweaty as he felt pressured to make a choice.

Wind started to circle around Taufan while Halilintar summoned his lighting sword, each glaring at each other with hatred.

"The time is ticking leader." Solar reminded.

He really wants to stop it, but he didn't have the heart to command them. Who was he to command them around just because he has the leader's title now? A leader has to earn both their teammates' loyalty and title. If not, nothing will work and chaos will unfold. That much he knew.

"Enough!"Laksamana's harsh voice suddenly echoed through the room and silenced them all once again. "I told you to train together and not fight each other!"He specially looked at the two glaring cadets. "And no pranks!"His gaze landed on Blaze.

"But I di-" Laksamana didn't let him speak and simply shut him up with his piercing gaze before looking at his twin with a gaze as if to remind him of something.

Then his gaze traveled to Solar, giving him a disapproving look for something that only the two of them seem to know.

And finally, his gaze landed on Gempa. "I understand that this is your first time being a leader, but I suggest you get use to it. This title won't dissappear that easily. And because of that, you'll be punished to clean the training ground on your own."


"What!?"Taufan exclaimed. "But it's not his fault!"He protest, voice now filled with guilt while Blaze nodded in agreement.

"Even so. He is your leader and in charge of you. All of you."He said firmly. "If you feel bad then behave."

That seemed to shut him up, fist clenching hard beside him. "Yes sir.."

"Good."He glanced at Gempa for the last time before leaving them alone once again.

Afterwards, no one dared do anything and silently continued their training. "I should've done something.."Gempa thought to himself as he watched his now silent teammates. "I'm such a bad leader.."

Once training ended, everyone returned to their room while Gempa stayed to clean up their mess on his own.

He was picking up broken pieces of a dummy when he saw two pairs of eyes watching him from the door. "Taufan? Thorn? Why are you still here?"

"I can't just let you get punished for something that wasn't even your fault.."Taufan mumbled sadly.

Thorn nodded in agreement. "Mhm, we want to help."

His eyes softened from their kind intentions. "Thank you, but Laksamana Tarung had specificly said that I have to clean it on my own. And beside, I don’t mind. As your leader I'm at fault for not being able to keep the peace between our team."

Taufan shook his head. "No, you're not! It's literally your first time as a leader! How will you know how exactly to act in that situation? Other than that, we don't even know each other that well. You couldn't possibly know how to handle us."

"I agree.."Thorn lowered his head, feeling the guilt swallowing him whole even if he had been a victim.

"It's really okay"Gempa smiled. For the first time during this day, he felt like it's perhaps not impossible to work as a team.

Just then Blaze entered the training ground with a mop and broom in his hands, stomping into the mess.

"Blaze??"Gempa said in confusion.

He didn't reply and grumphily continued to clean up.

"Laksamana-" Gempa was cut off when Blaze loudly exclaimed. "I'm a rulebreaker and I don't care what that grumphy tiger said!"

The three of them stared at him in both surprise and disbelief. But then Taufan giggled and joined him. "Me neither!"

"E-eh?" Next was Thorn. "I don't listen to mean orders!" He reasoned and giggled along.

"Guys.."He felt his eyes becoming teary as he was touched by their kind gesture.

"Come on! Don't want to stay here the whole afternoon now do we?"Blaze joked.

"Right!"Gempa smiled and joined them.

"Idiots. Why freely do work?"Ice thought to himself with an exasperated expression as he watched them quietly from the ceiling. "Stupid Blaze."

As if on cue, his twin looked up and stuck his tounge out at him to which he returned as well.

Little did they know that a certain tiger was watching them all. "I can't believe your plan actually work."

"They are hard to control, especially Blaze. But that doesn't mean they're bad,"Kokoci smiled at his work. "They will become a team and nothing can stop them when that happens."

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