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"I'm so screwed.."Taufan mumbled to himself as he tried to find his way back to his camp. "Why did I even go out in the first place!?"

The more he walked, the more helpless did he feel. It was hard enough to remember the way during daytime, but at night? It was even worse. And much to his dismay, he didn't bring anything that could be used as a light source. Neither could he fly up high to have a better view and find their camp that way since the forest was too dense to fly any higher than 5 meters above the ground and even if he managed to fly up, he wouldn't be able to see their camp as the leaves would block his view.

Just as he wanted to internally cry he heard a familiar thunder not far from him. "That must be Hali!"Taufan ran towards the sound without thinking with a smile, but that smile soon dissappeared when he saw Halilintar glaring at him.

"Tch, did you follow me?"Halilintar hissed, his crimson red eyes shining in the darkness of the forest.

He abruptly stopped and clenched his fists, feeling stupid for running instinctly like that.

"Lily!"A little boy ran to his dearest friend with the brightest smile on his face. His friend smiled softly and welcomed him into their arms. "Hey Fan.."

"Are you deaf?"Halilintar asked with clear annoyance when Taufan didn't answer.

His harsh voice that was the contrast to the young boy Taufan once knew managed to wake him up from his trance and he returned his glare. "Tch, why the hell would I ever follow you?"

The latter rolled his eyes. "And how do you explain yourself being here?"

"That.."Taufan thought of an excuse. "I was simply searching for fresh air when I heard your annoying thunder."

That answer didn't faze him at all as his face stayed stoic. "Even a kid would know that you're lying."

"Oh what would you know about kids? No kids would want to interact with someone as mean as you!"Taufan crossed his arms and sharpened his glare.

"True, I bet they rather stay with someone as childish and stupid as you."Halilintar countered, his anger now directed at Taufan instead.

"First of, there's nothing wrong with being childish. And second of, I'm not stupid!"Taufan huffed, offended by his words.

"If you're not stupid then why are you lost right now?"Halilintar blankly asked.

"How did y-"Taufan shook his head and cleared his voice. "I-I'm not lost! Not at all!"He lied while crossing his arms, hoping that it came off convincing.

Halilintar simply sighed and turned around to leave, feeling that this was a completely useless interaction. Not even two steps later he turned around again and said:"And why are you following me?"

"N-no, I'm not-!"Taufan lied once again. As much as he disliked Halilintar, he didn't want to be alone in this scary dark forest.

The annoyed latter simply raised an eyebrow at the obvious lie, piercing his annoying teammate with his eyes.

After 5 seconds Taufan finally admitted to being lost and his fear of staying alone in the forest as he couldn't bear his scary teammate's gaze. "Ugh, whatever just don't annoy me."Halilintar then said before they walked back to their camp in silence.

"Tch, you're the one who was rude to me first.."Taufan grumbled and while Halilintar heard it, he chose to ignore it as he didn't have the energy for another argument.

Minutes passed and surprisingly Taufan did not say a single word, which was both good and concerning...

And just as feared, Taufan was in fact not behind him when he turned around. "Taufan?"Halilintar called out. "Come out or I'm leaving you." He waited. And waited. And waited.. but there wasn't any sign of Taufan.

"Damn it!"He cursed the universe for this unhelpful event and searched for Taufan in a radius of 100m with his lighting power.

"Let go of me!!"Taufan's voice could be heard from the west side of the forest.

"There he is!"Halilintar summoned his lighting sword, leaped behind the attacker and swung his sword without hesitation.

"Got'ca!"The attacker shouted, a grin could be seen on his face when a trap went loose and trapped Halilintar to the ground.

"Fuck!"Halilintar grunted and tried to break out of his metal restrain. He tried using his power, but the trap refrained him from doing so.

"See ya later!"The attacker said happily and ran away with a tied up Taufan.

"Let- hmpff!!"Taufan struggled when a second attacker placed a tape on his mouth. "Mmff!!"

"They're getting away..!"Halilintar's frustration grew the less he saw the attackers, until they completely dissappeared into the woods. "Not again..!"

"Taufan...?"His voice was breathless, eyes wide open upon seeing his bestfriend on the battlefield.

The boy didn't say anything and simply ran away, straight into the dangerous battle and dissappeared. "Taufan!"

He clenched his fists on the memory and slammed them on the ground. Dirt gathered in his nails as he his fingers digged into the ground out of frustration.

"Hali!"A boy with sapphire blue eyes said as he approached him. "It's me, T-"

"Who the hell are you?"Halilintar said coldly, surprising the cheerful boy.

The boy took a step back upon seeing his reaction, his hope slowly dissappearing from his eyes. "It's me Taufan, remember..?"

"Leave me alone!"Halilintar shouted angrily. With that, the boy's bright blue eyes became dull as he looked at him as if he had crushed his world.

"He's not..."Halilintar mumbled, his eyes felt like burning as his caged feelings forced itself back to the surface.

"Damn it!"He cursed when he felt something wet rolling down his cheek. "Why are you so similiar to him..."

Ooh flashback~

Anyways, hope you enjoyed ^^

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