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"Wait a damn minute!"Blaze exclaimed and pointed at the green alien and his robot. "You're not actually our enemy!??"

"Nope,"The alien said so casually as if he hadn't just gave them a heart attack. "My name is Adudu and this is my partner Probe. We are actually Tapops member."

"I don't believe you.."Blaze narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Don't care, I'm simply doing my job."He shrugged his shoulders. "Besides, Taufan would be dead if I was really the enemy."

"He does have a point.."Ice mumbled, still suspicious of the said alien.

"I assume your task was to see whether we could work out as a team or not?"Solar said.

"Yup,"He nodded. "Though you guys failed. If it was a real kidnapping, you'd lose a teammate."

That made all of them go quiet, knowing that he was right. Taufan hadn't really been shot, that was all for show. He was told beforehand to play along and play dead to showcase how dangerous a mission could be. But if it was real, then they would've lose Taufan.

"Was it necessary for Taufan to be shot..?"Gempa then asked and looked at the green alien. While Taufan was actually fine, Halilintar had a sudden panic attack that caused his power outburst and still hasn't woken up til now.

"I was told to do so,"Adudu replied. "I didn't have a choice."

"I see.."Gempa mumbled. He felt horrible for Halilintar. He has always have a strong image and seemed to have complete control of his emotion, but earlier..

"He'll be fine don't worry,"Probe reassured. "I've checked him, Thorn checked him and we even called a specialized doctor to check him."

"Probe's right, there's nothing to worry."Adudu agreed. "Now go, you all need rest. We will continue the conversation tomorrow."

"Do you think Halilintar will be okay..?"Thorn asked Gempa as they walked towards their tent.

"I don't know.."Gempa replied truthfully. "I hope he will.." He caught a glimpse of Taufan through the new tent as they walked by and couldn't help but pity him. Ever since Halilintar fainted, Taufan did not once leave his side.

"You stupid tsundere!"Taufan couldn't help but feel guilty and frustrated at this whole situation. Adudu had eventually told him his real identity before the 20 minutes announcement and he had agreed to play along. However, he did not think that he'd hurt Halilintar this way.

"Halilintar?"Adudu called his name once he noticed the early signs of a panick attack. "Halilintar??" He called again, this time louder.

Solar was ready to attack him, but Probe quickly showed the official Tapops badge that only Tapops member have. "Wha-??"

Taufan slightly opened his eyes to see what was happening and was shocked to see Halilintar fainting. "Hali!"He shouted and gave up on his roleplay.

Just then, Halilintar's power suddenly lose control and countless of thunders sparked through the room.

"Why did you push me away if you still cared..?"Taufan mumbled and clenched his fists. Sure he was mad that Halilintar didn't recognize him, but he would've eventually forgave him if he had actually talked with him. Taufan is sure that Halilintar did recognize him. Whether it was right away or late, he did actually recognize him. If not, why would he care?

"Mm.."Halilintar's fingers twitched as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Hali!"Taufan exclaimed happily as he stood up from his chair.

"Hm..?"Halilintar blinked a few times to clear his vision before he slowly looked around and found Taufan. "Fan..?"

His old nickname. Hearing it, Taufan couldn't help but tear up. "So you did recognize me.. you jerk..!"

Just then, Halilintar pulled him into a hug which surprised him. Not once did Halilintar ever hug him first, it was always him that asked.

"Hali..?"Taufan said in confusion.

"You're alive..!"He said and tightened his trembling hands around Taufan. "You're alive.."

To say that Taufan was surprised is an understatement. He could feel Halilintar's tears on his shoulder. His tears. Halilintar never cries. Not once has he ever cried in the past. Not when he hurt himself, not when he got a bad grade, not even when his pet cat died!

Not knowing what to do nor say, Taufan simply hugged him back, staying still til Halilintar calmed down.

A few silent minutes passed and Halilintar eventually calmed down and let go of him. "Sorry.."He mumbled.

"It's fine,"Taufan replied.

None of them said another word which quickly made the atmosphere akward between them.

Taufan glanced at Halilintar who was looking away. Is this really the same Halilintar? Why didn't he say he recognized him? Why did he push him away? Countless of questions swirled in Taufan's mind, but at the same time he didn't want to overwhelm Halilintar as he had just woken up.

"I think I should go back to my tent. It's getting really late." Taufan stood up to leave but was stopped by Halilintar who held his sleeve.

Startled, Taufan turned around to Halilintar. "Is there something you need?"

"Stay..."Halilintar mumbled.

Surprised by his old friend's unusual request he asked:"Are you sure? I can lea-"

"Please."Halilintar said, his voice slightly trembling.

The latter blinked a few times, not believing his ears. Did he heard it wrong?

"Please stay.."Halilintar repeated.

Okay, he did hear it right. "If you insist.."Taufan sat back down on his chair and Halilintar let go of his sleeve.

The two of them could feel the obvious tension and akwardness in the room, but they both stayed quiet and looked away from one another as they each busied themselves with their own thoughts.

I'm sorry if it's bad, I didn't really know how to write this part 😅

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