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With all his might he broke the metal restrain with pure strength before he activated his power to the camp, knowing that he wouldn't be able to find Taufan on his own, not when the attacker moved as if they knew this forest like the back of their hands. It was already hard enough for him to somewhat run properly in this dense forest. The dark and the attacker's speed won't make it any easier for him.

"Someone kidnapped Taufan!??"Gempa said in panic, immediately wide awake the moment he heard the bad news.

"I thought we were alone in the forest beside some wild animals.."Thorn mumbled, feeling guilty that he hadn't realize a thing as he was the expert in forest and could easily sense if someone is near them with his power due to large amount of plants around them.

"They must've waited for an opportunity,"Solar guessed.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"Blaze shouted and everyone agreed.

"Solar could you light our way?"Gempa asked as they searched for Taufan in the forest.

"No, that's too risky. The enemy might see it and run away,"Solar replied sharply.

"Right.."Gempa couldn't help but feel helpless in this situation. He barely knows a thing about this planet other than it being surrounded with all kind of plants while the attacker seemed to be prepared and have been waiting for them to let their guard down. Other than that, he once again failed to protect his team..

"Can you find anything?"Ice asked.

"No, the attacker must be very far away. I can only sense in a radius of 1km.."Thorn mumbled his reply, feeling useless yet again.

Halilintar clenched his fists out of frustration. There was nothing he could do to make this search any faster. He could run around the forest all he wants, but he would still be no help as everything looks exactly the same. This planet might aswell be a labyrinth at this point. And besides that.. He is angry at himself for letting his guard down. "Not again.."He mumbled.

"Taufan!"He screamed, hands reaching out for his friend but he is far too late..

He shook his head and ruffled his own hair as his head felt like it could explode any moment. If only someone could tell him what reality was then he could easily make a decision.. neither will it hurt this much anymore.

"Hali?"Gempa asked as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

The latter flinched and instinctly shrugged his hand off him. "Ah- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.."Gempa said in a quieter voice.

"It's fine.."Halilintar mumbled, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. He's going to go crazy at this point.

"Are you okay?"Gempa's voice was filled with worry as his golden eyes softly looked at him.

"Yes.."He mumbled.

"I sense something!"Thorn suddenly said and all attention immediately went to him. "100m from here is an underground tunnel. I can sense Taufan's footstep!"

"Then we better hurry before they go any further,"Ice suggested.

"The hell do you want from me!?"Taufan asked angrily as he followed the attacker in front of him while the other attacker walked behind him to make sure he didn't try anything.

"Oh nothing~"The front attacker said with delight. "We just want to test something out~"

"That's right! We're testing if you guys-"Before the second attacker could finish their sentence, a cup came flying and hit his head. "Ouch!"

"Don't tell him, you idiot!"The front attacker scolded.

"Tell me what??"Taufan asked in both confusion and skeptical. For an enemy they're pretty laid back, other than the part of them being prepared for an attack from Halilintar and having the perfect trap to both keep him unable to move and make his power useless that is.

"None of your business!"They simply replied.

"It's very much my business if you kidnap me,"Taufan stated.

"He does have a point- ouch!"The back attacker winced from another metal cup.

"You're not supposed to agree with him!"They scolded before turning to Taufan. "And you, stop asking question!"

"Nuh uh,"Taufan refused.

"Yuh uh,"The attacker replied and taped Taufan's mouth once again. "There, finally peace and quiet!"

"Mpff!!"Taufan struggled and managed to get the tape off him once again. "Nuh uh!"

"Ughhh"The attacker groaned, already regretting his choice of victim.

In the meantime the group finally arrived at the said tunnel, however they encountered another problem. "Uhm.. which way is it?"Blaze asked after seeing the six paths.

"They made exactly six paths.."Gempa mumbled.

"This can't be a coincidence, they must have waited for our arrival here,"Solar pointed out.

"For once I'd agree with you,"Ice said before he turned to Thorn. "Can you sense Taufan?"

"No.. the ground here are surpringly dry compared to the rest of the planet and I can't sense anything if there's no plant.."Thorn explained in a quiet voice.

"Can you sense something?"Solar then asked Gempa.

"Me?"Gempa said in confusion.

"You have an earth power don't you?"Solar said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh- Yeah, but I can't do earth sensing.."Gempa admitted which earned an annoyed sighed from the light user.

Ice glared at the said user while Halilintar simply ignored their whole conversation and went ahead. "Wha- hey wait up!"Blaze said and wanted to follow him but a sudden earth wall blocked his way. "What the- when did this wall appear??"

"Just great, it's even a moving maze."Ice groaned, already knowing that it will give him lots of work.

"Then we better get going,"Solar said and dissappeared into one of the tunnel.

"Not like we have any choice anyway."Ice sighed, dissappearing into one of the tunnel aswell.

"Eh- Icy!"Blaze whined and pouted, upset that his twin just left him like that.

"Uh.."Gempa sweatdropped, not knowing what the heck he should do.

"Should we go into one of the maze too..?"Thorn asked in a fear filled voice, clearly fearing the idea of going there alone.

"It seems that we have too.."Gempa stated, yet unsure of it aswell. This might just be a trap that their enemy had created, but what else were they supposed to do? Wait til the others magically came back with Taufan? Do nothing? Yeah, risking it definitely sounds better to him.

"Okay then.."Thorn mumbled and hesitantly walked towards a maze.

"Hmpf!"Blaze stomped to a maze with his arms crossed together before his chest and dissappeared. The next time he sees his twin, he's definitely going to complain to him. How dare he leave without a word!

"C-careful.."Thorn mumbled before dissappearing aswell.

"I have a bad feeling about this.."Gempa said to himself and entered a maze, followed by an earth wall falling and blocking his entrance and possibly his only way of exit.

Hope you enjoyed ^^

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