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I give up trying to change it. I don't have ideas how TvT sorry if it's bad.

I'm sorry too that they're being so OOC, I'm trying to write it as realistic as possible with their background story while keeping their personality that we all know ;v;

Just like Gempa had wondered, the other team was indeed going downhill aswell.

No matter what Solar said, Ice kept giving snarky comments as if to challenge him.

"What is your problem?"Solar finally had enough.

"My problem? What's yours?"He gave back.

"Mine? I don't have any."He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh please, it's so obvious,"Ice rolled his eyes. "You barely talk with us. You kept treating Blaze as if everything he does will ruin everything. You keep staring at Gempa with a displeased look. And you even critized Thorn for no reason!"

The said boy stayed quiet with his head hung low. Thorn was hurt by Solar's harsh critism but he didn't dare say a word as he didn't want things to get any worse than it already is.

"It's only normal that I don't talk much with any of you as we have just met a week ago. And Blaze's action is indeed endangering both us and our mission if we don't watch out. You simply don't see it because he's your twin,"Ice seemed to hate him even more with that statement. "I'm simply dissappointed by Gempa's leading skill, but I understand his struggles which is why I didn't say a word. And no I'm not criticizing Thorn, but simply correcting and advicing him."

Thron's eyes widen at his last sentence and genuinely seems to believe him until Ice intervened that is.

"Bullshit! Advicing is not reminding him of his every little mistakes as if no one ever do mistakes. And I know that Blaze is short tempered and an idiot but that doesn't give you the right to judge his every move and immediately assume the worst."Ice argued, his voice being dangerously low.

"Facts is that Blaze tend to act out from emotion. And my way of advicing does not concern you,"Solar smoothly countered.

Ice suddenly laughed instead and flashed a taunting smile at him. "Now I know why you had to repeat your semester."

For a split second his eyes widen with both surprise and worry, but he quickly hid it with his calm mask. "So? That has nothing to do with this."

"Nothing? Or everything?" Ice mocked as he took a step closer.

They pierced each other with their gaze. None of them seemed to back down as the air too soon filled with tension.

Their other teammate looked between them back and forth, not knowing what to do. "Should I call Gempa? But what if he comes too late? Oh no.. what should I do??"

"Intruders!"Someone suddenly shouted which pulled them out of their argument.

"We need to go!"Solar instructed and they all ran to escape as more guards came chasing.

Shootings started and they managed to dodge them, but then Thorn tripped and caused him to get hit on the right leg.

"Ugh-"Ice quickly created an ice wall between them and the enemy before helping Thorn get on his back and sprinting away. "Why is Blaze not here!?"He complained in his head, not liking the fact that he has to do so much.

"Blinding light!"A strong light blinded the enemy's sight and they managed to escape into a small alley.

"Can you walk?"Solar asked with a little less patient.

"Are you serious? He got shot!"Ice scowled.

"We can't hide here forever and unless you want to carry him all the way back to the ship then go ahead."

"Tch."Ice glared at him, not believing how cruel he was being.

"I-it's okay.."Thorn squeaked and flinched when their grim face turned to him. "I-I can heal myself.."

"Right.."Ice sighed, scolding himself for loosing his cool at the heat of the moment.

Thorn took out his small medical kit out of his pocket and took out the bullet from his leg. One hand covered his mouth to muffle his cry of pain while one carefully plucked it out before forcing his skin to close back together with his power.

"Good. We can't waste time,"Solar said as soon as Thorn was back on his feet.

"Are you okay!??"Gempa asked with worry through their communication device after they had informed him about their situation.

"Y-yes.."Thorn stuttered.

"We found the power sphere location,"Solar then interrupted Gempa's need to question his friend's health further. "I will send you the location. We can meet there."

Before Gempa could even reply he ended the call. "What?"Solar asked to Ice who was glaring at him.

"Nothing,"He scoffed.

"What happened??"Blaze who had finally stopped complaining after hearing about Thorn's injury said.

"Thorn got shot, but he's okay now. Solar wants us to meet up at this location,"He showed the hologram map on his little device. "He says that the power sphere is there."

He then turned to his two other teammates who was still fighting like there's no tomorrow.

"Guys.."He tried once again.

They were far to engaged in their argument to even hear him as they continued.

His head felt like exploding from this whole mess. First his wrong choice of team. Then Thorn's injury and now he can't calm his teammates down!

As if Blaze could see his obvious struggles, he threw a fireball right between the fighting teens and almost injured them had they not felt the heat and dodged at the right moment.

"Stop fighting! We have more important things to do!"Blaze said firmly, being the mature one for once.

"Fine.."They both grumbled.

"Thank you,"Gempa said with relief.

"No problem!"Blaze smiled, feeling great that he managed to help.

Really sorry-

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