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"We-" Gempa couldn't here what Taufan had said as a granade was thrown towards him.

Move. His mind yelled for him to move, but his body wouldn't listen to him. Time going in a slow motion with the grenade inching closer.

Right before it could hit him he was pushed to the side until his back collided with the harsh floor and ears ringing from the near explosion.

Golden eyes met crimson red ones as Halilintar ducked over him, covering him from the past explosion.

"H-hali??"Gempa let out in surprise.

He tsk-ed in annoyence, blood dripping down his head. He was hit! Not whole, but enough to injure him.

"Halilintar.."Gempa tried to stand up, but his legs wouldn't obey him, staying stubbornly on the ground.

"Don't move, it will get worse,"Halilintar said and rose with lighting blades in his hands. "Create that earth wall that you made earlier."

His eyes travelled to his legs that were covered with blood and one twisted painfully. Oh. Oh. That's why he couldn't move.

In the heat of the moment he forgot that he was attacked by an enemy from behind which he managed to shove away, but they had already succeeded in twisting his ankle and shoting him in the process.

"But yo-" Halilintar glared at him which shushed his worry and obeyed the order.

A wall of earth was created around him so the enemy couldn't attack while Halilintar dissappeared and returned with Thorn before joining the battlefield once again.

"Oh my- Gem!"Thorn exclaimed in horror and dropped to his knees, rushing to aid his injuries.

"Thank you.."Gempa said in a tired tone.

This battle was truly taking a toll on him, especially now that he was seriously injured and has been using his power for much longer than he is used to.

"How is the others?"Gempa asked since his sight was now covered by the earth wall.

"Halilintar and Solar are putting up a good fight while Taufan and Blaze are struggling not to collide with each other's power which isn't working well and caused Ice to be distracted from the actual fight to put down the fire,"Thorn gave a detailed report with eyes still focused on Gempa's legs.

"How can yo-" The latter didn't need for him to finish his question to know what he meant. "I have plants moving underneath as my eyes."

"Oh- I see.."Gempa couldn't help but wonder if this was the same person that he had met and known or a completely different person.

"There,"Thorn's eyes softened when Gempa winced in pain as he tried to move. "Your injuries are healed but you will still feel the pain so I suggest you rest."

"But the others-"

"Can handle it,"Thorn continued. "It seems Taufan had called back up not long after the explosion."

"Oh"His mind went blank, not knowing how to exactly feel. "That's.. good."

Worried green eyes examined him. "Are you sure you didn't get hit by the explosion?"

"No, I didn't but Hali.."Gempa replied.

"Okay. Stay here, I will go to the others,"And soon the boy left for the battlefield.

Instead of being relieved that help was coming, he couldn't help but feel useless instead. He was their leader. The one who is supposed to lead and protect them. Yet he did none of that. Halilintar got hurt because of him. Solar was the one leading them. Blaze and Taufan clearly needed help that he couldn't provide which caused Ice to be burdened instead. Even Thorn was much better handling the situation! He was nothing but a burden to them...

"Of course it's your team who needed backup for their very first mission,"A person with black hair and a mocking smile said. His green eyes looked down at him.

Backup was called and saved them so easily that it was almost embarrassing. Now there he was being pulled aside for 'lecture' while his teams were being treated.

"If you can't even do your first mission that is supposed to be the easiest mission of all, then how can you complete further and harder missions?"

Nothing came from him as he simply lowered his head. He was right. Like always.

Ray, an acquaintance of Gempa from the acedemy who had passed the final examination with ease on his first try. Also the one who always made fun of him and critized his every mistakes.

But he didn't care for all that. All that he cared was that Ray was right. It's always the truth that hurts.

As if it's not obvious enough that he is an incompetent leader, their first mission went horribly wrong which caused them to be injured. If he can't even lead them in their first mission, then how can he in next?

"You should just give up your position as leader before it's too late. That way, atleast only you will fail and your team will be spared,"Was his final words before leaving with a grin.

Gempa sighed, hands harshly stroking his hair. He felt like a failure. A good for nothing. Why did he even think that he could join Tapops? It was clear that only the best was able to join them. And he was far from being the best.

"Maybe I should just do as he says.."He mumbled to himself. "Atleast then I won't bring them down with me.."

With a deep sigh he forces himself to stand up despite the throbbing pain in his legs and went to the bathroom.

His reflection stared back at him. Somehow looking as if wanting to mock him. "Even my own reflection.."He washed his face and plastered a soft smile before joining the others. "Why did I even hope?"

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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