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Halilintar ran and ran, going through the traps as fast as he could, not caring for any injuries he received as he passed by. Even the cameras fail to capture his movements as he was running far too fast to be seen.

This maze is bigger than he thought, no matter how much he ran, it didn't seem that he was going any closer to Taufan. And that thought scared him.

His breathing became heavier as he continued running, his vision slightly blurry from pushing his own limits.

"I can't let that happen again...!"Halilintar used even more of his power and increased his speed, the memory of that tragic day repeating itself over and over again.

"Taufan!"Halilintar yelled and activated his power to run faster. "Don't go there, it's dangerous!"

No matter what he said, his friend kept running into the battlefield, away from him.

"Why isn't he listening!?"Halilintar wondered as his frustration grew. Why is he here in the first place?

"What's wrong with Halilintar??"Blaze asked as they all ran as fast as they could to Taufan's location. They had sent Solar to reach Halilintar since he could also run fast while they ran behind.

"I'm not sure.."Gempa mumbled. He truly couldn't understand it. Halilintar never seemed to like Taufan, he even go as far as avoiding him. Taufan on the other hand, seemed to atleast care about Halilintar to some point. So why was he the one that ran first? Why did he care?

However, what worried Gempa the most was, was how desperate Halilintar seemed. It was just for a quick second earlier before Halilintar ran that Gempa seen the expression on his face. He looked so... desperate? Worried? Horrified?

"Whatever, our current main focus is Taufan. We have to reach him before the timer runs up",Ice stated.

Everyone nodded and continued running. The traps were as good as broken when they passed by since Halilintar had somehow managed to destroy it on his way there, which made it much easier for the rest of them to past.

"He's fast,"Solar mumbled as he used the speed of light to move faster. "Too fast..." He's pushing his limit.

"Hmm, are you guys close?"The green alien asked casually as he watched the camera.

Taufan looked at the screen aswell. A red flash that the camera barely managed to capture. "No... I don't think so.."

"You sure? He seems to care a lot whether you die or not,"The alien said.

"I'm..."Taufan hesitated, not knowing whether Halilintar really cared about him or not. He hopes he does, but at the same time... why did he push him away?

The Halilintar he knew was sweet, caring and attentive. Sure he could be very grumphy at times and easily got mad, but at the very least he always cared about him. That Halilintar and the current Halilintar were nothing alike. Except their anger issue that is.

"Not sure.."He finally mumbled.

Hearing his unsure reply, the alien simply shrugged his shoulder and continued pressing buttons to release more traps.

Minutes passed and after 10 minutes, the first two people finally arrived. "Why hello~"The alien grinned upon seeing the anger and distrust in their eyes.

"Let him go!"Solar shouted and glared at the said alien. He might not be close with Taufan, but he'd be damned if he let a fellow teammate die.

Before the enemy could reply, Halilintar appeared behind him, ready to strike him down with his sword.

"Not too fast!"The purple robot said as he blocked the attack.

His crimson red eyes fixated him as his sword hit the robot metal body. The moment his feet touched the ground he jumped behind them and swung his two swords, repeating it over and over again.

Too fast!! The robot struggled to protect his master while the alien tried to keep up with Halilintar's speed.

Solar used the opportunity to teleport himself to Taufan and free him from his ropes.

"Thanks!"Taufan said happily.

The alien, seeing that his hostage had been freed, pushed a red button on his special watch which revealed hidden shooter machine from the ceiling. "You think you can escape!?"

Halilintar's eyes widen when he realized what the alien had done and immediately turned around, only to see Taufan being hit by a bullet and falling to the ground. "Taufan!"

"No..."His lips trembled as he saw the now dead body of his friend. "No, this can't be real..."

"Awh, the little soldier lose its might?"The enemy who had shot Taufan laughed evilly.

His ears rang, he couldn't hear anything. Not the screams, not the sound of weapons clashing with one another, nothing. He could only focus on his now dead friend.

"Taufan.."His lips trembled as he spoke his friend's name. His chest felt heavy, he couldn't breath.

"Huh? Oi, are you listening!?"The enemy glared and walked towards him.

"Taufan!"He screamed, tears streaming down his face as the sky darkened completely.

And before he knew it, everyone was dead.

Just like back then, Halilintar couldn't breath, his whole body trembled as he slowly walked to his old friend.

"No..."His vision blurred, his chest felt so heavy. His ears rang, his head felt like exploding.

"...?"Someone's voice.


"...!" And everything went dark.

"Fuck!"Solar shielded everyone from the sudden power outburst. "What the hell is happening??"

"Ah!"Thorn closed his eyes as he activated his power to shield himself from the sudden spark once they arrived. "The hell???"Blaze exclaimed in confusion.

"Gempa!"Solar shouted once he saw him through the crazy field of thunder. "Use your power!"

Without further discussion, Gempa immediately created a huge earth wall around everyone. "What happened??"

Dun. Dun. Dun.

What will happen next? Let's see! XD

Hope you enjoyed ^^

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