Question 12

23 1 1

A typical day in the life of being Parents lol______________Papa Reich: -wide eyed look-

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A typical day in the life of being Parents lol

Papa Reich: -wide eyed look- .......ummm

Mama Soviet: -giggles at her husband's reactions-

Papa Reich: what?

Mama Soviet: I'll explain lol, condoms are little rubber wraps for your lower section to protect you while you have intercourse with your partner. Safe sex is knowing what is out there per se. Consent is a part of it, as being knowledgeable in the STDs [sexually transmitted diseases], and getting yourself checked regularly.  YOU MUST GAIN CONSENT though before doing anything with your partner, some do not listen bout that and will force you. Being in a safe, comfortable, and loving environment is key as well as establishing a bond with the person. If you do not feel any of those things you don't have to engage in intercourse.

Papa Reich: and if they don't respect that I will hurt them for hurting you.

Mama Soviet: being a demisexual, sex or even romance needs an emotional connection for me so I'm harder to get that to happen with.

Papa Reich: I've been hurt too much to trust most people...if you don't trust your lover with your body do not let them touch it. 


hope that's a good enough explanation sweety.

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