Funny moment #7

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Lol bubble tea is for Naja

Mama Soviet: -was playing game sees can- hm...

Mama Soviet: -proceeds to drink bubble milk tea thinking nothing will happen-

Naja: -comes in bedroom and sits by mama- mom can you hand me my bubble tea

Mama Soviet: -nervously looks at can- um...i drank it

Naja: what 0-0

Mama Soviet: I drank thinking you left it out like you do with your other drinks. i didn't want to waste it.

Naja: -stares at mom silently-

Mama Soviet: -starts laughing-

Papa Reich: um whats happening?

Mama Soviet: I drank naja's bubble tea think she was gonna waste shes staring at me -giggling-

Papa Reich: oh momma you done goofed up -giggling-

Naja: -grabs pillows- that was my bubble tea!

Mama Soviet:  ahhh! -proceeds to get playfully beat up-

Naja: -beats up mom while laughing-

Mama Soviet: ahhh help! Aboose aboose! -laughing her butt off-

Papa Reich: child don't aboose your mother lol

Naja: -grabs second pillow now dual wielding-

Mama Soviet: ahhh XD

Naja: that was mine lol

Mama Soviet: momma sorry wants a soda?

Naja: ok

Lol it was a pretty funny night last night :3

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