Sister talk

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Quote from me, France:
"Conversation purposely talking crap"

Quote from me, France:"Conversation purposely talking crap"

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Middle sister: France

Middle sister: France

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Baby Sister: Spain

Oldest sister: mama ussr_______________

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Oldest sister: mama ussr

France: so what happened when I told you?

Mama Soviet: they made a post being bitches only thing they can do is talk shit behind someones back

Spain:  and spy, you havent even done anything. Like all your chapters are about friends and family, they sad or some shit?

Mama Soviet: hell if I know nor do I fucking care

France: like seriously I log in and see that and I texted soviet.

Spain: she gave you her info?

France: oui, i was gonna put that funny thing that happened at work with me and England and right away saw shit talking.

Spain: over what?

Mama Soviet: over a blog that i dont give two shits over. In all honestly i couldnt be bothered on removing it cause east alemania had standardized testing to do, my brothers birthday, my birthday,  getting ready for a field trip, and getting East ready for the last of the school year....WHY THE FUCK WOULD I BE BOTHERED WITH A GROUP OF KIDS THAT ARE A BUNCH OF SHIT TALKERS?

France: i don't know honestly whoever spying reads this cause I am the one who outed them. QUIT STALKING AND GET A LIFE cause trust me I can and WILL look for your friend who you're trying to hide your blog on and screenshot everything and will post it in this book.

Spain: and since soviet gave us her log in info we will show it here. And will you never know who or what our names are Jax and Aussie.

France: so either drop the bullshit or we give it to soviet. And it will be put on here, tiktok, and her Youtube where she will stream everything on there and her twitch.


France: you don't fuck with one without getting the other two.

Spain: and we're meaner than soviet, spilling screenshots is what we do, so you can run but you cant hide~

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