Question 7

36 3 6

Well this is an interesting one cause the answers can vary darling WriterFandom ______________________

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Well this is an interesting one cause the answers can vary darling WriterFandom

Mama Soviet: Oh Love -calls her husband-

Papa Reich: yeah?

Mama Soviet: we have a question for the day -shows him the questions-

Papa Reich: -Reads it- Enough.

Mama Soviet: -giggling- we have one in real life, couple in role play.

Papa Reich: yeah like I said enough.

Mama Soviet: it can be a handful sometimes.

Papa Reich: Jaaaa

Both: we still love them all the same and care bout them.

Hope this pleases you darling. Papa hasn't been in a good mood recently so don't mind his grumpiness.

A day in the life of Mama Soviet & Papa ReichWhere stories live. Discover now