Funny Moment #5

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This was something I kept wanting to put in the book but have been massively exhausted lately.

Papa Reich: um momma why is aussie saying I'm a grandpa?

Mama Soviet: -inserts confused Russian face- huh?

Papa Reich: yeah...

Mama Reich: -gets told is a grandmother- o.0 when did this happen!?

Papa Reich: i don't know it was just a random bombshell

Mama Soviet: -finds out info- was germs...

Papa Reich: really...-.0

Mama Soviet: mmhm -stares at her husband- your son

Papa Reich: ....did he really trade coffee for a child.

Mama Soviet: germans lol

Papa Reich: hey! We don't all do that v.v

Mama Soviet: explain ww2 then dear -arms crossed giggling-

Papa Reich: -shuts up- That better be the last time Germany...

Mama Soviet: -proceeds to walk away laughing-

Papa Reich: shush you lol but seriously no more trading good for children Germs...

Mama Soviet: I'm a grandmother OuO i better meet my grandchild!!!

Papa Reich: don't spoil the lil one

Mama Soviet: I am going to!

Papa Reich: dammit...toy shopping we go now lol

That day was something lol if you dont understand check out GermsBerlin book explaining how he acquired said grandchild for me and papa.

A day in the life of Mama Soviet & Papa ReichWhere stories live. Discover now